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Charity Locators - Re-Selling Locations

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I maybe imaging this but I thought I would post this and see what others have experienced.

I use professional locator's about 50% of the time, but I have noticed that once I get a location it only takes a couple of service cycles and another machine shows up supporting the same charity.

I suspect that locator's (more than one) are reselling the location. I say this because it has happen with different locator's, I would really be suspicious if it was always the same one. They get an owner that says yes an then abuse them with a second or third machine.

Your thought are appreciated.

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One of locators tactics to screw the operator, and collect extra $ for the same location. It happens too frquently. Call the locator and don't let them get away with it. Ask for a refund or an extra location.

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That would explain why you usually get your first locations VERY quickly from a locator.

Order more than a few and things slow down after those first ones.

Those first ones may have been ones they already had in the bank from locating other customers there.

Makes sense to me.

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Yep, happened to me not to long ago. Worst part about it- It was my Rest. that I put on my wish list(this should clue you as to the locator ;)) that they secured for me! I Placed my machine, and one month later a triple is sitting next to my single with the same charity sticker on it. My machine is still doing fairly well but this did make me made, although I can't prove they(the locator) sold my location again. I am pretty sure they did though because it is an out of the way Rest. 

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To be honest, I don't think any locator would purposely give two people the same location.  

I think it's more of a systems issue than anything else.  When you have 1000's of locations on the books, there's no way you can manually look through.  You have to have an automatic way to do it.  I think a lot of companies have no way to even begin looking through all of their past locations.  Thus you run into issues.  

I live in the world where people are all pretty much honest.  Only do people become dishonest when it becomes too hard to do things right.


Your Friend,


P.S.  At Kick Start we have an error come up when two of the same locations are entered in.  On our next edition we are building in an additional redundancy so instead of just providing an error message, it won't even let the location be entered in.  This way there is absolutely no way duplicates will be able to occur. 

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At Kick Start we have an error come up when two of the same locations are entered in.  On our next edition we are building in an additional redundancy so instead of just providing an error message, it won't even let the location be entered in.  This way there is absolutely no way duplicates will be able to occur. 

Remember, you just sent me a delivery appointment for a location that I had already declined 2 weeks ago. And that "declined" location was and is still on your system's location list under my log-in.

Makes me believe if I got sent the same location I had already declined -- someone else could surely be sent a location I had accepted....even with your system filters.

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I am sure it happens, but can be hard to prove.  It's also possible that a "savvy" competitor is at work.  Some vendors will scout an area and specifically look for existing charity machines.  They will then aggressively target those locations via their telemarketing wish list or even slam it in.

I did have a locator do a "slam duplicate" on me.  Not only did they give me another vendor's locations that they secured just one week earlier, but they never got permission for the second machine that I was about to place!  I walked into the location and told them I was placing a charity machine.  They looked at me funny and said, "Your people were here just last week and we don't want another one".  I looked and saw a green 1-800 machine.  After the 3rd occurrence of this, I knew I had been slammed!  So I called the competitor and sure enough we both had the EXACT same list of locations.  This locator had at least 2 alias companies.  This locator was exposed on here and even had alias shill members giving false references and recommendations.  Remember the "Great Planes Locator" fiasco?  I think they actually tried to get back on here a year ago with yet another alias company and new member ID, but Mr. Caserri was on to them and they fortunately got no where.  I am pretty sure it was them since the one female member of the alias company would just freak out over any little thing and that was the same reaction I got on some emails when I confronted them.

Bottom line, if you think your locator is reselling your spots, simply call the other vendor and ask who his locator is - you may be unpleasantly surprised.

To quote another vendor, "Trust no one in vending and trust locators even less"!

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Great advice Jax.

I don't think I've been resold, despite having initially feared that it would happen frequently. I thought it had happened once, but found out it was the owners machine. When my machine crushed his in sales, I was about to get the boot. Converted it to commission and we're both happy. I have not had any other locations where I even expected that to be the case. If I see another machine in a location that is prime for one of my toy machines, I certainly go after it.

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There is a competitor from south Florida up here now that appears to simply look for locations with existing charity machines and then simply slams his single head in with the others.  Can't prove it, but how many locations really want or need a 3rd or 4th charity gumball machine?

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