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My first full line machine! Have a question

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Hi all!  I stopped by the local flea market to check on my bulk vendor and I saw a Pop machine for sale for $150 I asked the old man about it (which is the owner of the place)

he said "except for the bill acceptor, everything works fine, it gets cold, dispenses as it should. If you buy it today, and drag the d**n thing out of here, I will let you put it outside of the door for free for as long as you have your candy machine in here and keep it stocked with those peanuts you got.  I'm tired of seeing it, and I don't want the hassles of it."

He also told me he left it plugged in to prove that it worked, which it did.  I grabbed 2 hot cokes from the car and each selection worked just fine...

I gave him $150 cash and the 3-4  handful of peanuts that were left and wouldn't fit into the machine.  Called up my Uncle, brother, and father, and somehow got it scooted outside. 

Whew, those things are fricken heavy!

Now,  My question...

It is a 7 selection can machine.  What are your top 7 drink sellers from Pepsi, Coke, RC, and 7up companies? I figured Pepsi, Mt. Dew, and coke, but what others?  How would you set up the selection buttons?  Coke top, pepsi 2nd, mt. dew 3rd, etc.?

Sorry for the long winded story. And all suggestions and thoughts are well appreciated!


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The "best sellers" will vary wildly from market to market and even the demographics within the market. At a flea market I'd start with Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite, Big Red, Mountain Dew, some sort of Orange and maybe Pepsi.

What kind of machine is it? It will make it easier to tell you how to change labels.

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There is a metal plate on the left side of the door it has DNCB and a  368/216-7  and also there is a 0432-2942ck

Does this provide any help?

only so called labels are pieces of paper out of a notebook written on with a black marker.  I can see the back of the labels if I open this full size flimsy door thingy that separates the cooler part from the front outside door.

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Thank you for all your responses! 

I ended up stocking;  Coke, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, Pepsi, Mt. Dew, Sierra Mist.

I was going back to my car to get the Sunkist, When a couple people approached me and asked if I was going to stock bottled water.  Which got me thinking...  So I drove home, grabbed a 32pack of Dasani 16.9oz from the utility room.  After reading info on the inside panels of the machine and about 30mins later, I was able to set up a colum for bottle water.  Yippie!

The 32 pack of Dasani water was less than $5.00  but if it goes over well, it will be my big profit maker over the sodas!  Right now, I am looking at a 27cent profit per can sold.  With the water, I am looking at a profit of 34cents/ vend!

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Don't know what state you are in, your profile does not say but more than likely you also need to pay sales taxes on sales through that machine. I know there are many, many vendors out there that don't pay any and many many more out there that way underreport their sales. How you run your business is just that, your business, you've got to make the decision and live with it.

Paying taxes sucks, I realize that, but as a business owner that is a part of your responsibilities, even if you don't agree with how the taxes you pay are spent and utilized.

my .02

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You are a very smart vendor already...water is a solid seller and you will do well with it.  The impressive part was you being able to adjust that machine to sell the larger size beverage along with the cans.  Very very good.  Now get a replacement bill validator put in there and watch the sales jump even higher.

Putting in a refurb validator is not too hard, just look at the connections as you take out the old one (we are assuming it is hooked up right) and put in another one.  Be sure you have nickles, dimes and quarters in the coin mech and it should work for you.

You can pick up a spare from Vending World or Vendors Exchange or ebay.

Blue Moose

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You are a very smart vendor already...water is a solid seller and you will do well with it.  The impressive part was you being able to adjust that machine to sell the larger size beverage along with the cans.  Very very good.  Now get a replacement bill validator put in there and watch the sales jump even higher.

Putting in a refurb validator is not too hard, just look at the connections as you take out the old one (we are assuming it is hooked up right) and put in another one.  Be sure you have nickles, dimes and quarters in the coin mech and it should work for you.

You can pick up a spare from Vending World or Vendors Exchange or ebay.

Blue Moose

Well thank you very much!

I started a new thread with a couple questions pertaining to putting in a DBA.  but I might be confusing everyone with my title since there isn't any replies to it yet.  I meant to label it as 368 instead of 386.


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On my 368, it is a 7 select, but there are 8 columns.  2 of the columns are linked to one button.  Currently I only have 1 of those 2 columns filled (column 2 is empty) and it works just fine..  If that 2nd column is filled, will it dispense every other vend?  or will the number 2 column only start vending when column 1 is empty?

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On my 368, it is a 7 select, but there are 8 columns.  2 of the columns are linked to one button.  Currently I only have 1 of those 2 columns filled (column 2 is empty) and it works just fine..  If that 2nd column is filled, will it dispense every other vend?  or will the number 2 column only start vending when column 1 is empty?

There were 2 ways that the circuit worked in that machine. The older ones vended out of one selection and then when that went empty it went to the other side. The newer ones alternated vends in order to keep the product in date better. I can't remember if the alternating requires both columns to be filled or if one is empty if it will just ignore it. The only way to tell for sure is to fill both columns.

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I put some cans in the empty slot and sure enough, it alternated between the two columns.

I was hoping it wouldn't do this.  that way I could have extra other flavors in that slot to keep cold.

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you should gauge your volume before you try to figure out where to store extra soda cans you may have.I usually put a few cans on the metal cover that protects the motors when you open the door of the machine.there is a lip that could hold several sodas.

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you should gauge your volume before you try to figure out where to store extra soda cans you may have.I usually put a few cans on the metal cover that protects the motors when you open the door of the machine.there is a lip that could hold several sodas.

Very true!  Its only been 30 1/2hrs since the machine was actually "open" to the public.  On top of the flea market there are 4 apts. and across the street there is a small park.  The 2 columns that are connected to one flavor button is for pepsi.  As of 9pm est (28hrs) I have sold 12 pepsis...   

In a single column, I have 16.9oz bottled water. the column will only hold 12 waters without jamming,  and in the last 28hrs I have sold 5 of them. 

The water is what I wanted extra space for.  Just in case I open the machine and I am out of water.  that way I have at least 4 cold ones to stock that can be sold right away.

In a large factory, I understand daily visits to stock.  but I have a smaller machine that has barq's graphics on it, it sits outside.  I don't have a problem going everyday to check on it, but it makes me feel like I am over anxious and should control myself to stay away for a week or so.  But I'm afraid if I stay away for a week or so, something is going to be sold out.

I guess I am used to the bulk line of things.  If you show up more than once a month, its overkill and people that see you there on a regular basis, thinks you are a fruit cake.  I mean, is it ok to check on a soda machine every day? 

Plus, I have to drive past it to get home, and drive past it to get to the highway.  so I'm sure that doesn't help matters any.

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