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My entry to bulk vending


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Hi everyone,

First off I would like to say thanks. I have been reading on here for about a week or so while I mulled around about doing this business on the side or not.

I figured...what the heck and went out and purchased 2 Vendstar 6000's for $100ea.

I have already landed spots for both of them one is in a breakroom where around 50 people frequent throughout the day. Unfortunately I need to go back because the Skittles section isnt working properly :(. No worries though.

The second is being placed in a car dealerships lounge area where both customers and employees will have access.

What do you think of my biz so far? I'm currently planning on expanding to 8 more machines and from what I have read I'm thinking Northwestern 60s?

Lets here your thoughts.


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hello and welcome to the forum.

might want to consider trying toys because they don't go stale and don't melt in the hot summer weather. but of course you need to place them in locations kids will frequent. you can vend toys in 1" caps out of a nw super 60, or 2" caps out of a nw super 80.

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Hey thanks alot!!!

I guess they do. So far all I have seen is the 3000s until I purchased these.

Who is a good capsule supplier? I see alot of people are going that route. Also is Kickstart a good locator? Ive been thinking about using them for my other NWs.

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aaglobalind.com - A&A Global, best toy seller IMO. Call them and ask to speak to a salesperson and have him send you a price list by email.

I am using kickstart and have had decent results but it has been way slower than everyone else claims. I ordered 9 locations and it's taken over a month to get 5. However, they were all within the zip codes I provided and they are all pizzerias, restaurants, etc, all types of places that everyone on here says do very well. I haven't had the machines on location long enough yet to report on their performance.

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Great info Miz. I will be sure to grab that price list.

Not bad as far as Kickstart goes. I would expect as much, I mean as long as I get a location that is decent I would be happy. I understand it might not happen as soon as i'd like I would much rather them take there time and get me a location that I like.

Any other newbie advice?

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Welcome! Here is a short version of what I've learned in my short time in this business. Maybe it will be useful to you?  To start ,buy used machines( doubles or singles). Buy from companies with good reputations( OAK, BEAVER, NW, AA GLOBAL). Using a locator is great but try as hard as you can to locate yourself ! You will save money and usually get a good location.  diversify your route by having  both charity and commission locations. Sell a lot of  gumballs!!!!!  Good Service is key!!! Keep your machines clean and make sure they work properly. Don't over think things!! You will get overwhelmed, just learn as you go. Be honest and have fun!!!

Good Luck !

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Welcome! Here is a short version of what I've learned in my short time in this business. Maybe it will be useful to you?  To start ,buy used machines( doubles or singles). Buy from companies with good reputations( OAK, BEAVER, NW, AA GLOBAL). Using a locator is great but try as hard as you can to locate yourself ! You will save money and usually get a good location.  diversify your route by having  both charity and commission locations. Sell a lot of  gumballs!!!!!  Good Service is key!!! Keep your machines clean and make sure they work properly. Don't over think things!! You will get overwhelmed, just learn as you go. Be honest and have fun!!!

Great Advice.

I second the info Bostonvendor gave.

I'd like to add that you should stay away from high-priced resellers when it comes to product.

Sam's (candy/gum) and A&A (toys) or places like them are GREAT places to buy from.

Too many resellers are out there charging crazy prices for things you can find much cheaper by going directly to the source.

Read through the forum for a bunch of good suppliers you could use.

OH....and WELCOME Bigtay...What part of Texas are you from?

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Thanks Boston and Sherlock once again some really good information.

The only issue that I have with going to Sams is the membership fee. Right now I only have 2 machines and I would rather buy another machine than pay Sams.

Is Walmart just as good for Candy/Gum?

I have been doing my best to locate myself one of the main reasons I was even thinking of a locator was because of time.

Hey Boston, why gumballs? Is there a lot more margin in selling them instead of other products?

Sherlock, I'm in Austin how about you?

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Yes, gumballs are high margin. A box of 850ct (1" size) from Sam's will give you approximately 195.00 in profit if you vend them for.25. That covers the membership fee.

BTW Welcome to the forum. And good luck.

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welcome to the forum! my suggestion is keep things simple, dont try to find the next big item to vend, just read alot and ask alot of questions...you will find everyone here friendly and helpful, now send me $10.00 for that advice! ;D

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That sounds like a good starting plan.  what you choose for product will differ from location to location. For example, In a pizza shop  you might do toys and gumballs or bouncy balls where as say a break room you would maybe do a candy selection and gumballs .  If you are gonna do toys make sure to check the profit margins. the prices are somewhat high and when you add shipping and commission there not much left . I have started selling my 1'' toys for 50 cents. 

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I just added the 50 cent mechs at the beginning of this month on four machines as a test trial. I will post the results as soon as I do the next service. I also did 50 cents on the pool ball bb's in one location..... . Very eager to see what that does!!!

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I think now is the time to do it. I have even noticed that the suppliers are offering alot more 1'' stuff priced for 50 cents! It also gives you more room to be competitive with commissions.  I have one pizza shop that I share with another vendor . he does Gumballs only and gives a 30% comm. I do toys and BB's for 20%. The last couple of times I have been in there he has asked for more% So instead of arguing with him I just went to 50 cents and gave him the 30%.  If you would like to talk more about this topic feel free to drop me a pm brother!

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Great stuff guys.

Is anyone on here selling any of their equipment. I would love to buy some used NW60s.

nw60's are no doubt great machines...I might suggest you go with an oak vista or A&A's version the po89, I suggest this only because these machines have smaller heads therefore it will cost you less to fill them with product. your gonna have some trial and error with selecting product, spoilage, slow sellers, etc...so these might be an option to consider.
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nw60's are no doubt great machines...I might suggest you go with an oak vista or A&A's version the po89, I suggest this only because these machines have smaller heads therefore it will cost you less to fill them with product. your gonna have some trial and error with selecting product, spoilage, slow sellers, etc...so these might be an option to consider.

You know, that's something to consider... but consider the flip-side, which is the ability to let a Super 60 machine go longer between servicing.  For good volume locations this can be a real asset, and the food spoilage problem you might have initially will sort it self out in the long-run.  I think it would suck to be stuck with a tiny head when I could let it go another 15 days with a larger one... that more than makes up for the $23 loss you might have on some product that doesn't move.

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You know, that's something to consider... but consider the flip-side, which is the ability to let a Super 60 machine go longer between servicing.  For good volume locations this can be a real asset, and the food spoilage problem you might have initially will sort it self out in the long-run.  I think it would suck to be stuck with a tiny head when I could let it go another 15 days with a larger one... that more than makes up for the $23 loss you might have on some product that doesn't move.

for a veteran vendor I would agree with this but for someone learning the business I would disagree, the tiny head you refer to holds about 60.00 worth of gumballs and you can add cabinets to 3 sides (panel head) which would hold more than a nw60
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