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What does it take?


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I've been reading in the locator section about how good rack locations should be doing $100/mo at the very least.  I have a few rack locations, and only one of them qualifies for that.  This one tha qualifies is a 9-way that has everything; stickers/tats/2in/gum/1in toys.  I have other 5ways with 2in and 1in, and they only do at best $75/mo and at worst $25/mo.  Admittedly I have a 2 month (8 week) service cycle so in reality I pull twice that when I service.  But it only averages that for a month.

So for you guys that feel that a rack location should do a minimum of $100/mo, what exactly is the kind of location that you have them in?  How many heads and what kinds of products?  How did you secure these locations?  Did you pay a hefty commission up front or did you just get lucky?  Exactly how many of these high-producing rack locations do you have?  Do you have any that produce below the $100/mo level?

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I got lucky with my best racks.I do have 2 that only do 30 a month but I take the good witht the bad.1 of those is within 2 blocks of 2 other decent locations I have.if it were to do less then 25 I would pull it and put a smaller machine.I mostly pay the same commission to everyone.

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I have one location that is approaching 100.00 every two weeks. I have one single ball machine a double like yours and a 5 head j stand with clsssic style machines with GB in three heads ,skittles and plain M&Ms.  M&M worst seller. I have been moving the heads around to see if it has an effect.  I take time to eat at resturants were I place the machines. Dinner time lets me get an idea of clienttel that eats there. I do pay a higher comission there. But the last guy with a standard rack took it out.

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I would seriously consider changing to different product and different toys.

I change about 1/2 my toys every time I service.  This is standard practice for me.  For every service, the top selling items gets refilled, and the bottom selling items gets replaced.  Eventually the top selling items will be the bottom selling items, but I have also found that after several cycles, that I will reintroduce products that I removed months ago.  I've noticed this cycle with sticky mixes.  They go like gang-busters for a long time, then the popularity wanes and they stop selling so good.  I've pulled them on many of my locations but in a few more cycles I'll be reintroducing them again.

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I change about 1/2 my toys every time I service.  This is standard practice for me.  For every service, the top selling items gets refilled, and the bottom selling items gets replaced.  Eventually the top selling items will be the bottom selling items, but I have also found that after several cycles, that I will reintroduce products that I removed months ago.  I've noticed this cycle with sticky mixes.  They go like gang-busters for a long time, then the popularity wanes and they stop selling so good.  I've pulled them on many of my locations but in a few more cycles I'll be reintroducing them again.

I also rotate my items, for the 1 inch stuff I have 8 different heads prefilled on my van, I just pop one off and pop the new one on, this is another reason to try and keep all your equipment the same. these are po89 small panel heads, I made the mistake of buying 450 globes in the beginning and they are much harder to service. 8 prefilled 450 globes would take up to much room in the van. also, I only vend toys and some gumballs but mostly toys.

dperry what do you replace the sticky mix with? I havent noticed a slow down in mine yet, but need to be prepared. Im assuming you are talking about 2 in sticky mix

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I have lots of stuff to chose from.  I will usually try the monkeys, ninjas, aliens or something like that.  Been using the fortune dice, grow pets, and fast food erasers.  The dice haven't been as good as I like but the others fly out of the machines.

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Well I do think that product diversity is one key in improving the bottom line of a rack.  When adding new products, don't just consider adding more one inch toys or more candy/gum.  Add some flat vending and two inch vending as well.  I also like to have just one (and only one) of any product category.  By that I mean one (and only one) tattoo, one sticker, one two-inch product, one figurine, one candy, one gumball, one jewelry, etc.  Of course there exceptions for some locations, but it has made a difference for me.  I like starting with 5 heads and upgrading if traffic justifies it.  And of course a Shootin Hoops with superballs next to a rack is icing on the cake!

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