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I know there was some talk about brand doing squash land in retail. Well today we had the girls at justice doing some shoping. There they were. Tubes of one inch 6 in a tube for 8.00. its 100 percent brand squash land. Same address phone number etc.

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That bites. I will mention to Craig my displeasure.

p.s. havending I left you a msg on your cell phone. You never called back.

I saw those on some of the Squishie sites. I've been unable to get them to return my calls/emails. So do you think that this will cut into the Sqwishland vending sales? I noticed that my machines don't do that well...but I attribute that to their locations. Maybe the market is starting to get saturated with all the various Squishie-type toys?

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That bites. I will mention to Craig my displeasure.

Ditto; I will be calling Craig too. Selling for $1.33 each. Good luck. I also have heard they are selling retail but have not seen them yet.

p.s. havending I left you a msg on your cell phone. You never called back.

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This is starting to remind me of the silly bands craze.

I was in a major grocery store over the weekend, and as always, I check over the bulk rack. They had some flats, 1 2in selling sticky mix that did well, 3 NW super 60s selling candy doing moderately well, and one NW super 60 selling crazy bands that was doing absolutely sucky compared to the rest.

The crazy band wave has crashed, and I am so glad that I didn't try to be a johnny-come-lately. I've purchased some mania a few years ago from brand and I had the worst shopping experience and vowed never to buy from them again. I always resented that I would not be able to buy into the squishland craze, now I'm mildly happy that I won't be suffering that same defeat.

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TOMY is doing the same here in Canada. I have seen TOMY capsules for sale retail at toys r us and a few local grocery stores. Toy Story and Disney Princess to be exact.Same toys and capsules as used in Gacha machines. Price points are the same as vending machine prices.

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TOMY is doing the same here in Canada. I have seen TOMY capsules for sale retail at toys r us and a few local grocery stores. Toy Story and Disney Princess to be exact.Same toys and capsules as used in Gacha machines. Price points are the same as vending machine prices.

I've been slowly getting rid of my Sqwishland 1" for .25, I was thinking that it was location and I'd find a spot for them. I have them next to a .50 machine of toys and that gets plenty of vends. Now I'm pretty sure that's my last order. When they are gone, they're gone.

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Brand seems to have built their entire company on squash land. That's all they sell besides some sticky and some stale product they have laying around. I would like to see them expand their line a bit.

Yea, talk about having all your eggs in one basket! If I was the owner of Brand, I would be nervous. I mean, this thing has to die down some day. I have already seen a noticable slow down the past year in squwish land stuff. They need to diversify. Remember, LM Becker (aka Toy N Joy)? Too many eggs in the jewelry basket for that company, IMO.

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Yea, talk about having all your eggs in one basket! If I was the owner of Brand, I would be nervous. I mean, this thing has to die down some day. I have already seen a noticable slow down the past year in squwish land stuff. They need to diversify. Remember, LM Becker (aka Toy N Joy)? Too many eggs in the jewelry basket for that company, IMO.

LOL! Everybody seems to forget that they are a major player in the flat vending machines arena, and not just known for squishland mania.

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LOL! Everybody seems to forget that they are a major player in the flat vending machines arena, and not just known for squishland mania.

Maybe so. But if squishland ever dropped like jewery did, then they would have a problem. Their sticker machines are very expensive and I would never pay full price for one. Flat vending has also dropped a bit as well. So most flat vendors are pickier about the price they pay for equipment and many vendors buy used sticker machines when they can.

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Maybe so. But if squishland ever dropped like jewery did, then they would have a problem. Their sticker machines are very expensive and I would never pay full price for one. Flat vending has also dropped a bit as well. So most flat vendors are pickier about the price they pay for equipment and many vendors buy used sticker machines when they can.

What price do you vend the regular 1" Sqwishland for? What about the large ones? I see them a lot for $.25 in my area and I'm wondering if that's common.

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They are in my area too. That really sucks. All Walgreen stores have them here looks like.

Well as they say, what goes around comes around. There are other places for vendors to buy alternate squish animals - Cardinal, SSM, Actionmatic, All Star. And I also really don't like this web code label inside each capsule. That white bland label really covers up the animal too much and that makes the overall display not as colorful. Still wondering if their web game has really workded out for them.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have not bought any thing in the form of Sqwish land yet. Are you saying it would be a bad idea.

I would recommend getting maybe one 1" machine (if you really want to try them) and see how it does. But I've not seen any great demand for them and will probably start mixing what I have left into "mystery mix".

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