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How far would you drive one way to a location?


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I am having trouble as to when to accept a location from Rob.

I chose a 20 mile radius from a zip code as my selection criteria. I think I need to change it to zip code only, even if it takes longer to find a location.

Is 20 miles away from home reasonable if it is the only machine you have in that area?

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Yeah...if they can find more locations in the area then it's worth it. After realizing that my local area is bad for vending machines I've expanded to a wider area but trying to get a few spots in each location. I can still hit them all within a few weeks but never all of them in a single day. That dream was dashed early on.

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The furthest I would go is 15 miles from my home, or the equivalent of a 30-minute drive. Then again, I live a big urban area with still lots of opportunities to locate more machines, so there is no need for me to drive too far from my home base...

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besides 1 rack, 3 triples, a double, and a single all the rest of my machines are at least 35 miles away. once I go full time I'm looking at going 120 miles west and about 50 miles north of where I live. If this is not enough then i could add 80 miles east and pick up several more small towns and one big city. My goal is to do vending full time and be home every evening.

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I hope someday that I can repay you guys for all the valuable advice you have given me.

The location is 14 miles away from my full time job and 40 miles away from my home. I feel bad now that I even mentioned it.

I will accept the location.

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I think I will go as far as necessary for a good account. The key is it has to be worth the trip. I am not going to drive 100 miles and use $20 worth of gas for a $50 a month account. You must also think about how far you will go for a service call. Would you drive100 miles to get a quarter that is stuck in the mech? Don't find accounts that are too far away to be able to give them the best service possible. I will go as far as possible but I have to have limits in place. I go out about 40 miles now and I am planning to expand to 80 miles soon. It will be for a number of accounts so it will be worth the trip.


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Every situation is different...population of were you live has a great deal to do with how far you HAVE to drive to get locations you need to be successful.

I agree...our Tampa market allows me to drive less than a 15 mile radius from my house. Granted, it takes an hour to go 15 miles sometimes, but we have almost 4 million people living in this market. If you live in a small town, the distance may get exponentially greater to service a similar stop size route.

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The Majority of my machines are in a city that is about 30 miles away. so I would say an average trip is about 160 miles or so round trip.

It's all a tax write off so who cares. Now i'm not gong to drive to somewhere like Dallas to service a machine. or to place one. over two hours is a little far.

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The Majority of my machines are in a city that is about 30 miles away. so I would say an average trip is about 160 miles or so round trip.

It's all a tax write off so who cares. Now i'm not gong to drive to somewhere like Dallas to service a machine. or to place one. over two hours is a little far.

You can only write off what you make. If it costs you $300 a month in gas/car wear and you make $299 a month then you could have earned $1 by staying home.

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The Majority of my machines are in a city that is about 30 miles away. so I would say an average trip is about 160 miles or so round trip.

It's all a tax write off so who cares. Now i'm not gong to drive to somewhere like Dallas to service a machine. or to place one. over two hours is a little far.

well no I drive a 100 miles. but the town city is 30 miles away then the machines are scattered through out it. some are 5 to 7 miles from each other.

Waco is pretty big

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I am having trouble as to when to accept a location from Rob.

I chose a 20 mile radius from a zip code as my selection criteria. I think I need to change it to zip code only, even if it takes longer to find a location.

Is 20 miles away from home reasonable if it is the only machine you have in that area?

I would say if you have the potential to build other machines in the area or along the way to and from than 50 miles would not be too bad. If it is a one stop deal with nothing along the way, and no where to grow, then the answer would be no to that same distance.

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