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Creative Discounting

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I am working on a proposal for a car dealership that is interested in discounts. I think they are interested on discounts on everything :) but I am trying to come up with a promotional idea that will suffice. I was thinking about pricing a spiral or two at cost, but I don't like the fact that those spirals will always be empty as soon as I leave. Does anyone have any other good ideas?



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I am working on a proposal for a car dealership that is interested in discounts. I think they are interested on discounts on everything :) but I am trying to come up with a promotional idea that will suffice. I was thinking about pricing a spiral or two at cost, but I don't like the fact that those spirals will always be empty as soon as I leave. Does anyone have any other good ideas?



i tried discounting stuff short date based on some advice and it ended up being the only stuff that sold out so i stopped doing that. maybe u can kick them some of those

coupon cards for the validators or something

i mean to say people were only buying the stuff after it was discounted , i think that might work in some settings but it was setting a bad incentive in my opinion.

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ask them to sell you a car at or below cost and see how far that goes.

I do have a couple of accounts that I do the MEI coupons with. And a few that I will lower the price of drinks around the holidays or provide drinks for a company meeting. But i deceide when and who I do that with. When I meet with a possible new account I give them a sheet showing my prices on everything we provide and those are our prices period.

Sell your products at the price you need to sell them and dont back up, because as soon as you do your stuck and when you really need to raise your prices they will find some other guy to put their machines in at discounted cost and you will be out like sh*t thru a goose. And No offense to you, but probably the reason they are talkng to you about making a change is the last guy got tired of giving stuff away.

I would rather go in and say these are my prices that I need to stay in buisness and provide you with good equipment and unsurpassed service. As a buisness yourself I hope you understand where I am coming from.

It has worked for me in the past and you start out on good footing. And if it doesnt work then I consider it saving myself alot of hassle down the road.

Okay I will get off my soapbox now.

Good luck

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ask them to sell you a car at or below cost and see how far that goes.

I do have a couple of accounts that I do the MEI coupons with. And a few that I will lower the price of drinks around the holidays or provide drinks for a company meeting. But i deceide when and who I do that with. When I meet with a possible new account I give them a sheet showing my prices on everything we provide and those are our prices period.

Sell your products at the price you need to sell them and dont back up, because as soon as you do your stuck and when you really need to raise your prices they will find some other guy to put their machines in at discounted cost and you will be out like sh*t thru a goose. And No offense to you, but probably the reason they are talkng to you about making a change is the last guy got tired of giving stuff away.

I would rather go in and say these are my prices that I need to stay in buisness and provide you with good equipment and unsurpassed service. As a buisness yourself I hope you understand where I am coming from.

It has worked for me in the past and you start out on good footing. And if it doesnt work then I consider it saving myself alot of hassle down the road.

Okay I will get off my soapbox now.

Good luck

As snack dude suggested offer them a 1 or 2X a year discounted pricing for a day as a "management sponsored employee appreciation day". I have done this with a few accounts for several years and I'm always being asked when is "discount day" coming around. And he also mentions stand your ground,I agree, sometimes no deal is better than a bad deal.

Dogcow mentioned discounting a couple of rows with stuff nearing expiration date with unsatisfactory results. I have had the same results that he had.

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As snack dude suggested offer them a 1 or 2X a year discounted pricing for a day as a "management sponsored employee appreciation day". I have done this with a few accounts for several years and I'm always being asked when is "discount day" coming around. And he also mentions stand your ground,I agree, sometimes no deal is better than a bad deal.

Dogcow mentioned discounting a couple of rows with stuff nearing expiration date with unsatisfactory results. I have had the same results that he had.

I've had the same problems with discounting items nearing their expiration date.

I like the idea of employer sponsored discount day once or twice a year. I think I'll try that.

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ask them to sell you a car at or below cost and see how far that goes.

I do have a couple of accounts that I do the MEI coupons with. And a few that I will lower the price of drinks around the holidays or provide drinks for a company meeting. But i deceide when and who I do that with. When I meet with a possible new account I give them a sheet showing my prices on everything we provide and those are our prices period.

Sell your products at the price you need to sell them and dont back up, because as soon as you do your stuck and when you really need to raise your prices they will find some other guy to put their machines in at discounted cost and you will be out like sh*t thru a goose. And No offense to you, but probably the reason they are talkng to you about making a change is the last guy got tired of giving stuff away.

I would rather go in and say these are my prices that I need to stay in buisness and provide you with good equipment and unsurpassed service. As a buisness yourself I hope you understand where I am coming from.

It has worked for me in the past and you start out on good footing. And if it doesnt work then I consider it saving myself alot of hassle down the road.

Okay I will get off my soapbox now.

Good luck

Well said, and I agree completely. I am not one to "discount" in general. I just thought if I could come up with a gimmicky thing that met there needs it would be better than walking.

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thanks, I do not usally get that wordy. But this is one subject that just lights me up.

Why people think that I can give stuff away or sell for cost because its a vending machine is beyond me.

the local convience store can charge $1.50 for a pack of choclate donuts and its no biggie

I raise mind to $1.10 and and I am a ripoff artist?

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I agree with mission sometimes it is best to walk away and let another vending company have the headaches. I also understand snackdude 100% it has been that way with vending forever. $1.49 plus tax for a soft drink at a c-store and people dont bat an eye, go up to $1.25 in a vending machine and they go crazy like you are ripping them off.

I also love the old line "got any free samples?" My response to that is they stopped making those a few months back. Then I say I dont even get free samples, isnt that sad with as much product I buy from my suppliers. This usually leaves them scratching their heads never to ask again.

Coinvestor you can alway do like one of our buddies do and offer them $0.40/45 crackers. ;)

I do the discounts on close dated items from time to time (try not to have that close dated stuff) and it works for me to get rid of stuff. I am sure it works different in different accounts but does work for me.

One company I know offers a daily special and a weekly special all the time in everyone of theor machines. Like you said everytime I have seen those machines those two spots were empty.

Car dealerships are one of the hardest accounts to sastify. They want good prices yet they also want commissions. They also can be some of the most demanding over service. Can you get their office coffee also? If so offer to give them one free case of coffee a month or something if you think they will do enough drink,snack and coffee volume to justify it.

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