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440 capable?

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Morning all:

Picked up some recent acquisitions yesterday, all of which I believe I got a great deal on. One is a 06 276E 20 oz package set up, another is a DN 440. Both are in great shape, and both have DBV. The 440 has pepsi fronts, the 276 E coke. The 440 is set up with Mars dbv and mech, the 276E with Coinco. I think i did really well, the 276E was $400 and the 440 $350. So far the 276 just needs light bulbs, and the 440 will need either bulbs and or starters, not sure yet. I transported them laying down and didn't want to mess with them to much in case I fired up the compressor, I wanted to ensure the oil had time to settle back in. I am pretty familiar with the 276 as I have 2 of them out 3rd party, but the 440 has me a little stumped.

The 440 was an absolute BEAST!!!!! When I saw columns 1-4 set up for double stack, it blew me away. This is going to go to a location Coke is getting the boot from for not keeping their machine stocked, I do not believe i will have to be concerned with this monster being empty.

Heres a couple questions I have.

#1 Reading through what I can find on the net, (Note - I have yet to be able to figure out the Dixie site!!!!) Any how, the info I cna find so far it states that the 440 is 16.9 oz water capable. Is is safe to assume that it is also soda capable?

#2 Now with the idea of water or soda mixed in with the cans, as I am sure oyu all know, this is a single price machine. Is it possible to set this up MDB??

#2a If it is capable of MDB, is it worth the time and expense to do so?

Thanks all!!!!

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Morning all:

Picked up some recent acquisitions yesterday, all of which I believe I got a great deal on. One is a 06 276E 20 oz package set up, another is a DN 440. Both are in great shape, and both have DBV. The 440 has pepsi fronts, the 276 E coke. The 440 is set up with Mars dbv and mech, the 276E with Coinco. I think i did really well, the 276E was $400 and the 440 $350. So far the 276 just needs light bulbs, and the 440 will need either bulbs and or starters, not sure yet. I transported them laying down and didn't want to mess with them to much in case I fired up the compressor, I wanted to ensure the oil had time to settle back in. I am pretty familiar with the 276 as I have 2 of them out 3rd party, but the 440 has me a little stumped.

The 440 was an absolute BEAST!!!!! When I saw columns 1-4 set up for double stack, it blew me away. This is going to go to a location Coke is getting the boot from for not keeping their machine stocked, I do not believe i will have to be concerned with this monster being empty.

Heres a couple questions I have.

#1 Reading through what I can find on the net, (Note - I have yet to be able to figure out the Dixie site!!!!) Any how, the info I cna find so far it states that the 440 is 16.9 oz water capable. Is is safe to assume that it is also soda capable?

#2 Now with the idea of water or soda mixed in with the cans, as I am sure oyu all know, this is a single price machine. Is it possible to set this up MDB??

#2a If it is capable of MDB, is it worth the time and expense to do so?

Thanks all!!!!

#1 - The 440 single price Dixie is a 79 inch tall can machine first and foremost. Anything other then cans is a bonus for you.

#2 - If you could, it wouldn't be worth the time or money (or No, No, No)

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Morning all:

Picked up some recent acquisitions yesterday, all of which I believe I got a great deal on. One is a 06 276E 20 oz package set up, another is a DN 440. Both are in great shape, and both have DBV. The 440 has pepsi fronts, the 276 E coke. The 440 is set up with Mars dbv and mech, the 276E with Coinco. I think i did really well, the 276E was $400 and the 440 $350. So far the 276 just needs light bulbs, and the 440 will need either bulbs and or starters, not sure yet. I transported them laying down and didn't want to mess with them to much in case I fired up the compressor, I wanted to ensure the oil had time to settle back in. I am pretty familiar with the 276 as I have 2 of them out 3rd party, but the 440 has me a little stumped.

The 440 was an absolute BEAST!!!!! When I saw columns 1-4 set up for double stack, it blew me away. This is going to go to a location Coke is getting the boot from for not keeping their machine stocked, I do not believe i will have to be concerned with this monster being empty.

Heres a couple questions I have.

#1 Reading through what I can find on the net, (Note - I have yet to be able to figure out the Dixie site!!!!) Any how, the info I cna find so far it states that the 440 is 16.9 oz water capable. Is is safe to assume that it is also soda capable?

#2 Now with the idea of water or soda mixed in with the cans, as I am sure oyu all know, this is a single price machine. Is it possible to set this up MDB??

#2a If it is capable of MDB, is it worth the time and expense to do so?

Thanks all!!!!

that 276e is a good deal i could never find one much under $800 because they are smaller they tend to fetch a premium on the used market

the 440 if its a single price machine, yes it do cans, i believe most (all?) stack can DN vendors can vend 16.9oz fron the single columns without

modification, u might need shims to vend from the doubles. im at my wits end with the water it looks like only 20oz water can be vended without

problems there was a tip someone gave me on water from vistar but i dont do enough volume to justify buying it from them.

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that 276e is a good deal i could never find one much under $800 because they are smaller they tend to fetch a premium on the used market

the 440 if its a single price machine, yes it do cans, i believe most (all?) stack can DN vendors can vend 16.9oz fron the single columns without

modification, u might need shims to vend from the doubles. im at my wits end with the water it looks like only 20oz water can be vended without

problems there was a tip someone gave me on water from vistar but i dont do enough volume to justify buying it from them.

Water is cheap and dates are long. Call up another vending company that orders from Vistar and ask them to order you 10-20 cases ($50-100). I do this for 2 other vendors. I don't mind doing it, and it helps me turn a pallet quicker.


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#1 - The 440 single price Dixie is a 79 inch tall can machine first and foremost. Anything other then cans is a bonus for you.

#2 - If you could, it wouldn't be worth the time or money (or No, No, No)

Thanks BIll, that is what I was thinking, not worth the time or money. She is humongous, there is no way around that. I am going to get some light bulbs for it tomorrow, and then go to the location on Monday, hopefully place late Monday or Tuesday, fill her up (well, may be not completely) and let her go. I have to get some pics of them so I can post them, we all like pics, lol. I was monkeying with it a bit again earlier, and well, I got a bit spooked, put some change in the mech and the DBV just flashed, OMG!!!! Dummy (Gibbs slaps self) , the machine is empty, push in a sold out tab and all is good.

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that 276e is a good deal i could never find one much under $800 because they are smaller they tend to fetch a premium on the used market

the 440 if its a single price machine, yes it do cans, i believe most (all?) stack can DN vendors can vend 16.9oz fron the single columns without

modification, u might need shims to vend from the doubles. im at my wits end with the water it looks like only 20oz water can be vended without

problems there was a tip someone gave me on water from vistar but i dont do enough volume to justify buying it from them.

I remember reading about the water issue.I have it in the machines I have at my gravel.cement location, but not doing anything yet. Everything is slow, actually I am pulling product from the one machine and putting it in the others, if it doesn't pick up by the end of the month, gonna have Pepsi come and get it. When I checked it last week there wasn't anything in it; $ that is. So instead of ordering more, i just started pulling it out of there. I am expecting them to start to improve this week, we are finally getting some nice weather, actually supposed to be 79 on Monday, then right back to 60, but atleast it is starting to show itself. The worse part of the water I am dealing with right now, the extremely slow location, one of the mechanics said to me, "you put atleast one row of water in right." It has been there for about a month I think, and hasn't done anything worth mentioning. One of the other mechs wanted diet, as opposed to Dr. Pepper, so I may give that a shot, talked to his boss, my contact outside of the owners, and he would like to see some in the machine inside for his crews. I figure I will order 1 cases and split it. Pepsi rep told me diet has a 3 week window.

I am going to get some light bulbs tomorrow, for the new recruits, lol and then hopefully all is good. I have a few cases of cans here at the house, so they will go with me, and verify all works. Then Monday, heading to the location I bought it for, set a delivery date of Tuesday I hope as I have to service everything Wednesday as they are do Friday and I am going to be busy from Thursday till ? with a salt ship arriving. I also have a 360 lined up, and I have to get together with the guy to see that probably tomorrow. Got a line on another one so I may hold off a bit, I am thinking the 360 is going to be single price also, which I don;t mind, but if I can get my hands on another 276, 368 or 501 for about the same money, I would rather go that route. I have a home for all three i have right at this moment, plus one or two more, but I am getting tired of putting out and not getting back yet.

As for the prices, with the gas (took the truck with the dump insert in it) the 276 cost me $450 and the 440 cost me $400. I figure about 25 in light bulbs or so tomorrow and they are all set. Pretty good score I think.

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Water is cheap and dates are long. Call up another vending company that orders from Vistar and ask them to order you 10-20 cases ($50-100). I do this for 2 other vendors. I don't mind doing it, and it helps me turn a pallet quicker.


I`ve been doing the same thing for years. It`s a great way to get to know other vendors and have someone that you can call in a pinch to help with a problem.

FYI, when I order from Vistar I do it on a COD basis and get a 2% discount. You`ve got to ask for it , they don`t just give it to you.

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