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What to place in a new location?


What to place in a new location  

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  1. 1. What is the best to place in a new location?

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I have been placing all doubles in all my new locations.I talked to another vendor here in my area and he said what he likes to do is place all singles so he expands faster and then goes back and adds a head or two if needed. At first I thought this was a bad idea because what if the location doesn't want you adding equipment. What does everybody in TVF land think?

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I think it depends on where you live. Most of the large vendors on this forum live or vend in heavily populated areas. Competition is stiff and moral aptitude is not the greatest. For example some people are afraid to do singles because they are afraid their machines may be stolen. If my area was that bad, I would not do vending at all.

Fortunately, there aren't that many serious vendors in my area.

But then again, I only have 9 locations, so who am I to talk. I will let you know how I feel once I have 30 or more locations. Meet me at the end of this year ;D

Right now I am doing singles only...only gumballs. Keep it simple and profitable.

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I like doubles myself. But, it depends on the location. I will place a rack if I think the place will support it. I also have a lot of triples that I set up for toys, gum, and a candy.

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I think it depends on where you live. Most of the large vendors on this forum live or vend in heavily populated areas. Competition is stiff and moral aptitude is not the greatest. For example some people are afraid to do singles because they are afraid their machines may be stolen. If my area was that bad, I would not do vending at all.

Fortunately, there aren't that many serious vendors in my area.

But then again, I only have 9 locations, so who am I to talk. I will let you know how I feel once I have 30 or more locations. Meet me at the end of this year ;D

Right now I am doing singles only...only gumballs. Keep it simple and profitable.

some of it depends on the location too,some dont need more then a single to begin with or have room for anything bigger.eventually though,one of those "not serious vendors" may get serious and put machines right next to yours.In your better locations you may want to expand and try to keep it to your self.sharing a machine in a location ,no matter how little the other one makes,it will take quarters away from yours.in a location that does great with only gumballs,will probably be a firecracker with another head that sells 1 inch toys @ 50 cents,and you still would be keeping it simple only have to deal with only one extra item to carry.

do you plan on having 30 single gumball machines by years end?

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I am glad I have found this forum otherwise I would be placing triple heads in every location. I can now see that for most locations a triple is overkill and product will go stale. I have been placing double heads in all my locations. I do have one more vendstar I need to locate though.

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some of it depends on the location too,some dont need more then a single to begin with or have room for anything bigger.eventually though,one of those "not serious vendors" may get serious and put machines right next to yours.In your better locations you may want to expand and try to keep it to your self.sharing a machine in a location ,no matter how little the other one makes,it will take quarters away from yours.in a location that does great with only gumballs,will probably be a firecracker with another head that sells 1 inch toys @ 50 cents,and you still would be keeping it simple only have to deal with only one extra item to carry.

do you plan on having 30 single gumball machines by years end?

Yes Antonio

I plan to have 30 or more machines placed by year end. I currently use Kick Start for locations. I always choose the restaurant upgrade. So for, two out of the 4 restaurants he has found had machines already placed. The guy in one of the locations has already removed his machine once I placed mine. It was empty anyway. The other preoccupied location had one empty single and one double with the candy side empty and the gumball side half full. I have 2 brand new Northwestern singles that will be delivered today. I can't wait to see what Rob finds this time! If I still cannot find any good machines on Craig's list, I will order two more once these are placed. I will continue to order more after a few are placed. My wife does not want the garage full of candy machines. ;D

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I think the question needs to be qualified a bit. Was it pitched as a charity to begin with? Does the owner want a piece of the action? Is the location family friendly or is the clientele mostly adults? Is the clientele a specific or dominate ethnic group in that location? Is the machine in the public area or in the back kitchen or break room? Is there room for a rack or is space really tight? Is the environment climate controlled or more open to the elements? How many other machines are present? Etc, etc. Just too many variables to muddy up the water and virtually impossible to create a one size fits all approach IMO.

However, I don’t do singles and do not own any triples. I like doubles with gumballs and a toy to start with in charity family friendly locations. I rarely do candy in a restaurant. If the owner wants a cut, then a 5 to 7 head rack (or 3 to 4 head mini rack) is usually necessary since a double is usually not worth my time and trouble for such a small commission (to them) and little profit back (to me). Of couse we will need some space for a rack and we have to agree on the percentage. Etc, etc. Just to name a few of many many scenarios.

IMO, consider toys in family locations. And try not to be too "candy centric" in every location.

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  • 2 months later...

I have converted my doubles to triples lately. That way I can have one of each of the basic price points. One .25, one .50 and 1 1.00 machine. If a spot cannot support one price point it seems that the other two do well. I change out the slow vend or if nothing works I'll bring it back to a double then. I've found that either the .25 or 1.00 machine doesn't seem to do well depending on the spot. But I do like triples because they are easier for me to find spots for than racks.

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I have converted my doubles to triples lately. That way I can have one of each of the basic price points. One .25, one .50 and 1 1.00 machine. If a spot cannot support one price point it seems that the other two do well. I change out the slow vend or if nothing works I'll bring it back to a double then. I've found that either the .25 or 1.00 machine doesn't seem to do well depending on the spot. But I do like triples because they are easier for me to find spots for than racks.

I started my toy locations doing this. I actually have 4 machines in some locations, all with different prices. As you rotate your product, you will see that the low head will change. It may be the .25 machine this cycle but maybe the .50 the next cycle. Sometimes it is even the 2" machines. Go figure.

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