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Vendstar 3000s how much do they make you?


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  • 1 year later...

Vendstars normally do not do as much sales as other machines such as uturns. Do you want to know why....I'll tell you why... Because of the color...Your asking yourself "because he color"?!! Yes, a vendstar machine is so Blah....Its all gray and it blends in to anything.....It does not stand out at all in any business....It doesnt get you excited about buying from it...You try putting a nice blue or red or yellow double head next to a vendstar and tell me what one does more in sales.... A nice yellow double head machine or uturn stands out in the crowd....IT PULLS YOU IN.

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I have 50 Vendstars in the field and 8 left to place. The most I have gotten per location is about $50.00. I've been doing this for 3 years and its has been a struggle with locations doing $10.00 or less. However, I am getting some better locations now. Walmart, K Mart, JC Penny, Motels, etc. I am in the process of pulling some bad locations to raise my average. Yes, location is more important than the machine. I'd like to get some high quality machines as I go forward, but Vendstars can make you money. From what I have read, $30.00 per location is average, and I am shooting for that.

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The lowest I had was $3 and the most was... Well I had two machines a number of years ago that each did $200-225 per month. But frankly for me, if I can pull $20 out each time it is worth it.

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6 Lbs a head x3 heads 18 lbs x 16 oz a lb = 288 oz. x 2 makes each vend size 1/2 oz and for a total of 576 vends x.25 = 144 total sales from a machine of course it would be totally emepty to hit that.

Most I have done on a steady note so far is around 40 at one stop I have.

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Mine range from $3 to $65...seems like bars or bar/grills are my better locations. I have some restaurants (without a bar) and they don't seem to do as well. I am thrilled with anything over $20.

When I started I paid $50 for each of my 10 machines. Now I won't pay more than $25 and have gotten them as cheap as $12.50. The less you spend, the quicker your ROI. The start up is (of course) the most expensive because you have both the machine and the candy cost to fill it (and a locator if you use one).

I don't know what area you are in. If you're in an area with a lot of independently owned restaurants/stores then you'll probably do with locating. I live in an area that is probably 90% chain businesses and it is hard to get your foot in the door. Even the locators are having difficulties. It certainly hasn't been as easy as I thought it would be.

Problems with Vendstarts? Yes, doors break off (mine that are at bars are almost all broke off), the trays break off (ditto with the ones at the bars)...generally these machines just don't hold up well to high usage or mistreatment. They are great for offices or places where a bright red machine might not be welcomed. Another downfall is that they will accept just about anything in place of a quarter. I lost half my income at one location this month due to someone putting in tokens. Grrr.

The upside is that they are inexpensive - so it's an inexpensive way to get started and see if vending is for you. Sounds like you already bought the machines so go for it...locate the machines and see for yourself. Just don't expect the huge numbers this woman is telling you. I did buy a small route and the guy was full of golpher on some of it. Luckily there were 3 machines on the route that redeemed the other three crappy ones.

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