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Flatline loses NFL stickers!


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So it seems that A&A caught wind of Flatline's plan to come out with new NFL player stickers and cried to their contact at the NFL. So needless to say the NFL pulled out of their deal with Flatline. This is ridiculous! I guess the NFL was the one that approached Flatline to do the player stickers. This was a new product that would have been a great seller. I guess A&A is blaming Flatline saying they were doing something illegal even though it was the NFL that approached Flatline. So thank you A&A for being jackasses & stopping a great product from getting to vendors! I wonder how long it will take A&A to bring out a similar item? Unbelievable!

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let's hear it on the open forum a pm doesnt benefit the rest of us

I agree. Also Flatline must not have had an inked deal for the product if so I would assume that it would have been harder for the NFL to pull the deal. If the deal was inked on a contract I would think that flat line would have started production and product started being produced. Is A&A getting the product? Did flat line jump the gun on a product that it did not have a deal on? Did A&A pressure flat line with court orders? Seems like there is much more to the story.

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Whatever the cause - the result is Flatline is no longer doing NFL stickers judging by their website.

The website no longer shows the stickers they were hyping so much the last couple weeks....so something happened to take them away.

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If you had paid a large sum of money for an exclusive contract, I'd like to see how generous you would be with those who decided violate that contract.

Good point. But I can still be angry about it and protest it with my dollars.

I'm just not sure why the NFL would approach Flatline in the first place if A&A had an "exclusive" contract.

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If you had paid a large sum of money for an exclusive contract, I'd like to see how generous you would be with those who decided violate that contract.

That asumes information that we don't have.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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I'm just not sure why the NFL would approach Flatline in the first place if A&A had an "exclusive" contract.

Warning: I'm going to continue to assume here.

What often happens in these cases is someone gets a hold of a licensed product, but the product is not licensed specifically for bulk vending. It might be licensed for retail, or some other very specific channel. The company selling it to bulk operators would go completely unchallenged, UNLESS another company had an exclusive license to sell similar products through bulk vending machines. That is my guess as to what happened here.

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Warning: I'm going to continue to assume here.

What often happens in these cases is someone gets a hold of a licensed product, but the product is not licensed specifically for bulk vending. It might be licensed for retail, or some other very specific channel. The company selling it to bulk operators would go completely unchallenged, UNLESS another company had an exclusive license to sell similar products through bulk vending machines. That is my guess as to what happened here.

I think your on to somthing there. Sounds reasonable. It's getting very hard for smaller companies

To compete with A&A. Esp. With toy safety rules ever changing it takes A&A sized companies to keep up. I would like to see cardinal step up with more quality items. They are like 80/20 junk vs quality. I would also like to see brand clean up their service and expand beyond squash land. Both of these companies have great supply chains they are just not making the most of them. I'm going to start doing more business with all star I just found out they now ship from nyc and they have given me great pricing.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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Warning: I'm going to continue to assume here.

What often happens in these cases is someone gets a hold of a licensed product, but the product is not licensed specifically for bulk vending. It might be licensed for retail, or some other very specific channel. The company selling it to bulk operators would go completely unchallenged, UNLESS another company had an exclusive license to sell similar products through bulk vending machines. That is my guess as to what happened here.

Flatline is a bulk vending company. Of course it was intended for bulk vending machines. Flatline was approached by the NFL & did have a signed contract. Here is the problem. Who wants to go head to head with the NFL in court? You are challenging a multi-billion dollar monster. Legal costs are crazy & who knows how long it would drag out. I have had several business owners who were sued for issues that were ridiculous. Yet their lawyers advised them to settle because it would be cheaper than fighting the charges in court. This is a similar situation. Flatline decided to drop it & move on. I think I would have made a similar decision.

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Flatline is a bulk vending company. Of course it was intended for bulk vending machines. Flatline was approached by the NFL & did have a signed contract. Here is the problem. Who wants to go head to head with the NFL in court? You are challenging a multi-billion dollar monster. Legal costs are crazy & who knows how long it would drag out. I have had several business owners who were sued for issues that were ridiculous. Yet their lawyers advised them to settle because it would be cheaper than fighting the charges in court. This is a similar situation. Flatline decided to drop it & move on. I think I would have made a similar decision.

Smart move no need to dwell

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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