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Non-Traditional Locations

DayStar Vending

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I am doing a bit of brainstorming (here comes the smoke), and trying to think outside the box (although that expression annoys me deeply). Do any of you have locations that would be considered out of the norm that do well? (example: gumball machine in a funeral parlor. Granted it's a strange example, but you catch my drift). If so, would you care to share what sort of locations these are?

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You can try your friends garages or kitchens. I just made 17 bucks in the last 4 days off of my friends roommates. We can't figure out who ate the candy. Nobody confesses to it. That made me more money than a company with 100 employees. You can also try strip clubs or even porno arcades. I talked to a guy that owns a vendesign at a strip club and he does about 60 bucks a month.

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You can try your friends garages or kitchens. I just made 17 bucks in the last 4 days off of my friends roommates. We can't figure out who ate the candy. Nobody confesses to it. That made me more money than a company with 100 employees. You can also try strip clubs or even porno arcades. I talked to a guy that owns a vendesign at a strip club and he does about 60 bucks a month.

where do they ahve it located in the venue?

you just dont see that many quarters in a strip club.......

...so i've heard

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where do they ahve it located in the venue?

you just dont see that many quarters in a strip club.......

...so i've heard

At the strip club, They actually have it located not far from the entrance, but close to the bathroom, and right next to a big snack machine. You don't see quarters in a strip club, but most people still have change in their pocket. I have also seen a candy machine in peep show building. It's also next to a snack machine that sells both chips, candy, and lots of different condoms, and cigarettes. I wouldn't want to touch it because everyone goes in the back and watches private videos. But it's an example of how you can think outside of the box. Don't underestimate your friends garage if he has more than 5 roommates.

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dont take your spoon and can of pam in there!

ROTFLMAO Good one, Will.

On a lighter note, when I was vending candy, I had one in the break-room of an auto auction. It was one of my best locations. The divers would just about empty it every month.

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I went today with members of my family to a some place called "Sharp's at Waterford Farm" in Howard County Maryland. The main attraction is a hay ride, plus the opportunity to purchase pumpkins and apple cider. Anyway, there are also animals on display there, pigs, cows, goats and the like. They have about 4 stations with Oak single head machines filled with corn kernels. A quarter gets you a handful of fodder to feed the nearest hungry farm animal. Looks like a pretty good vending gig, if you can get it.

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I went today with members of my family to a some place called "Sharp's at Waterford Farm" in Howard County Maryland. The main attraction is a hay ride, plus the opportunity to purchase pumpkins and apple cider. Anyway, there are also animals on display there, pigs, cows, goats and the like. They have about 4 stations with Oak single head machines filled with corn kernels. A quarter gets you a handful of fodder to feed the nearest hungry farm animal. Looks like a pretty good vending gig, if you can get it.

I have one in church that does over 100 a month not a vendstar though, sorry tkk. I also had three placed in Halloween superstores for the month of October. They were awesome. I am thinking tax places from January to April. I have thought of the funeral homes as I have spent some time there and the kids are bored and mom and dad just want to get done what the are doing. Outside of those I don't have any good ideas.

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I'm considering loading up a few doubles in my car and drive around my neighborhood on a Saturday. There are always some garage sales going on. I figure some people would welcome a little bit of extra incom. It might also attract more customers.

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One of my best discoveries over the last year has been drug and alcohol rehab facilities. The type that people are ordered to go to after a drunk driving or drug related offense. I currently have 5 locations averaging about $60 each. Just type in Drug rehabilitation in your yellow pages and several different toys will come up.

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One of my best discoveries over the last year has been drug and alcohol rehab facilities. The type that people are ordered to go to after a drunk driving or drug related offense. I currently have 5 locations averaging about $60 each. Just type in Drug rehabilitation in your yellow pages and several different toys will come up.

I have a couple of halfway houses for recovering alcoholics. They tend to be real hit or miss depending on who is living there. Once month I pulled $2.50, the next over $60.00. On the average however they do pretty well.

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