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A little something new


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Added a sweet new feature. Check out the "paint can" in the upper right corner of the site under the search bar. It looks like this... post-1-0-99003200-1328320749.png

Click on it and you can choose the color of your TVF from over 64,000,000 colors! Click on the "Blue" link to return to default color at any time.

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There have been some obvious changes to the forum. The mobile skin no longer seems to be active, but at least I can access via tapatalk. I'm almost tempted to believe this is a whole new forum software.

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Nice theme, Steve. I see there was some other changes also.

Nice of you to notice. Yes a few things. I think one of the most useful is how we can find new content. If you click on the new content link up near the paint can, you can sort all new content various ways. Like by timeframe, by member, etc.

Give it a whirl!

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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If you look at the bottom left of the page it should have the mobile option. I gotta say that this works great on my iPad and it makes it nicer to use then that crappy tpt

Yes, just a newer version of the same software. The mobile version is still available.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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Yes, just a newer version of the same software. The mobile version is still available.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

Ok that worked. But it sounds like tapatalk connectivity is not one of those things you had to stop using.

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For those using tapacrap you should try the experience without. Looks great on the iPad and my android auto switches to the mobile skin


Did you set something within your mobile devices that auto loads the mobile skin? I can't get mine to auto load.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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I didn't but it always switched with the blackberry as well.

I'm sure I have a setting somewhere. I'll have to find it.

I'm wondering, has anyone else played around with the "New Content" screen? If so, what do you think? If not, give it a shot. It filters all the new content across the site in various ways from the menu on the left.


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I am not getting any new topic or reply notifications,it says I am following certain forums but have nothing in my inbox or spam.

other then that it all looks pretty.


In the upper right corner, click on your name. Then...

My Settings >> Notification Options

You may have to reset your desired options.

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Caserri, As soon as I get used to this new version, will you promise to change it again?

I can't help it if it takes you a year to figure something out. With as much time as you spend on here roasting everyone, it should only take you a day to get used to. :P

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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Since this topic was originally about the new color picker, I was wondering if anyone is using a different color than the default blue?

If so, please post a screen shot so I can see it. Here are a couple of my favorite colors that I go back and forth with. I didn't even notice at first but the two colors I use most are actually the two original colors of TVF when we started!

Let's see yours!



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Did you set something within your mobile devices that auto loads the mobile skin? I can't get mine to auto load.

Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

I think I got it figured out. I switched to mobile skin on my Android and default on my computer. It appears that the android remembers I want the mobile skin and the computer remembers I want the default. I tried it with my Ipad too and put it on mobile and so far it too has remembered. It must be a cookie thing.

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