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Does anyone use Manta.com?


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I try and scout the businesses out before approaching them as potential customers. Has anyone used manta.com? You can drill down into country, state, city, employee count, company revenue, ownership and location types.

This tool has greatly helped me be my own locator. I target companies within the metro area I live, select employees from 50 to 249, and the website provides plenty of potential accounts and their addresses.

The only drawback I can see is eliminating the lower employee companies that have high customer traffic.

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At first I thought this post was about asking if anyone has registered for and used Manta. For using it the way you mention, I think it is okay to do.

However, regarding registration to Manta and putting information in, I would recommend that anyone PLEASE CHECK the reviews regarding Manta as they have gotten alot of flack for selling your information! I almost registered for them and then found out what was going on and quickly denied that I was who I said I was (which resulted in a denial of registration). About a week later, I have gotten 1-2 calls every week from debt consolidation companies.

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Hi AngryChris,

My name is Anna and I work for Manta. I just want to be clear that Manta does NOT sell your information. Our site recieves about 26 million unique visitors each month and when you update your company information it is public for everyone to see. As stated above, many people use the site for prospecting and this is likely why you began recieving calls. Keep in mind, the 26 million users are not all prospectors. Many of them are genuine customers looking for companies to do business with, as well as small business owners looking for guidance and marketing tools.

I hope this helps clarify things. If you have any other questions about how Manta works feel free to get in touch with us at 866-432-6398, option 1. We are open Monday-Friday 9AM-6PM ET.



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I keep a large Excel file on competitors I run across. When I get the spare time I use Manta sometimes to get basic information about the businesses. I have found that a lot of their info is incorrect, but it is still a useful site.

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Wow. Only 12 hours and 1 minute until Manta offered it's rebuttal. I'm speechless! I wish some of the locators we have on board could be as quick to respond.

There are some major companies

That troll through our little corner of the world here. I have gotten emails about topics and post from them.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

Wow. Only 12 hours and 1 minute until Manta offered it's rebuttal. I'm speechless! I wish some of the locators we have on board could be as quick to respond.

There are some major companies

That troll through our little corner of the world here. I have gotten emails about topics and post from them.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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There are some major companies

That troll through our little corner of the world here. I have gotten emails about topics and post from them.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk


Sent from my Android using Tapatalk.

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Wow. Only 12 hours and 1 minute until Manta offered it's rebuttal. I'm speechless! I wish some of the locators we have on board could be as quick to respond.

Lol, almost as fast as a U turn salesman, sorry couldn't help myself.

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