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1-800s horror cleaning and capsules


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Hello everyone. So, I picked up my first four 1-800 machines for $400. They are in pretty good condition (rarely scratches, dents), but mighty, mighty dirty.

I am not sure where these were placed or stored, but man, I found some interesting things in the first one I cleaned...

So I've spent about 4 hours cleaning just one so far ( I am a bit of cleaniless freak)

and I've found about....15 bugs inside the machine...

about 4 maggots, 2 spiders, some flying bugs, and a bunch of these moths looking bugs but skinnier.

Gross! I don't know how the maggots got inside or what they are even doing there in the first place...but interestingly enough, they are only found within the coin mechanism....

So as I was testing out the coin mech, I found a couple of maggots rolling back on top where you insert the coin. GROSS!!! Imagine the reaction of a customer......

Now I need to go buy a small screw driver to open up and clean each coin mech...haha....

Anyway, I just wanted to share my slight horror story with you and wondered if you guys have had anything similiar.

Also, I wanted to thank casseri for uploading the 1-800 manual. It will be extremely helpful later.

Oh yeah, so I just found out I live about 12 mins away from Top Notch Toys. I get to save on shipping, but when I went there a lot of the stuff was sold out =/

Anyway, I am trying out 1.1 acorn caps. I read 1-800s often misvend acorn caps. I took some advice from the 1-800 equipment review thread.

This is what has worked best for me....for future references...

Remove spacer (mine didn't have a spacer)

Open gumball wheel to maximum. I removed the 3 screws and ducktaped under the wheel to keep it wide open.

I removed the longest horizontal spring (1 of 2)

With all these done, I tried and tested 50 coins. No misvend, no broken capsules.

I tried other methods too, but got 1 misvend and 4 out of 50 quarters had opened/empty cap.

I hope I have found the best solution for these 1-800s vending caps.

I will let u guys know how it does soon on location.

Alright, that is it. Off I go to buy a small screwdriver...I wonder what I will find in those coin mechs..................

Thanks for reading :)

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Jimmy IM me. Looks like you are in Ca. I know someone in your area selling 90 1-800's. He's selling them 10 at a time. I have him at $60 each for 30 of them. I know he's trying to get rid of them in 10's but he might sell you a few.

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Oh, it is probably the same person that I bought 4 from =P except I overpaid haha...Thank you for referring me though.

Anyway, I found out what the problem with the bugs was...

There was a huge mofo black widow hiding behind the coin tray....

I found like an extra 20+ maggot bugs within the coin mech. Oh, and I found out I could just pop the coin mechs up haha

On the plus side, I lubed up all the coin mechs and they feel goooood....

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Thank you. I will need that luck and hope that the next 3 will be nowhere as dirty and nasty as the first...haha...

I kind of regret not taking pics of the 20+ maggots all tucked away in super sticky web wrapping in various holes and crevices on the coin mech.

I'm guessing this was stored recently in the back of a garage with something rotting on the ground.

Anyway, time to test out candy....and *gulp* clean some more later...

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I kind of regret not taking pics of the 20+ maggots all tucked away in super sticky web wrapping in various holes and crevices on the coin mech.

Some things are better left to the imagination! Thanks for sharing JimmyT, it seems you have some really memorable machines! Good luck braving the remainder... hopefully it will be less terrifying! Good luck man!

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A few years ago I purchased 16 Mega-Toy machines from a local guy. He had them out in his lean-to. It had a dirt floor and all the machines had rotten pedestals, since it rains a lot in Houston. FYI, Houston was built on top of a swamp. I had to throw out 4 of them (saving the parts) and replace all the pedestals. Some of them were obviously home to rats, because there a ton of rat droppings in those 4 I threw out. Several had obvious signs of roach infestation too. I had a merry time taking each of those apart and cleaning them. Each one was an ordeal, and they are not small machines.

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Wow. Thanks for sharing dperry. That was quite a story. I wish there was some way to avoid all these critters.

I researched some more on the bugs I found. So, it turns out they weren't maggots but rather indian meal moths in larvae stage.

They leave webbing where they crawl, so I thought it was spiders. They kinda build a cacoon and emerge as a moth.

It is a bit of an infestation. I am unsure how to get rid of their micro eggs. I will just have to keep opening and checking the coin mechs to make sure they aren't still there.

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i wouldnt trust cold to kill eggs remember a lot of insects can go into hybernation from extreme cold but not die, afaik heat and chemicals is the only sure way to rid of insect eggs thats why with head lice you have to dry all your blankets on high heat. washing isnt required.

a heat gun is cheap at harbor freight,plus less chance of moisture getting into the mech i'd think.

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