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Buying from china


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Last night my wife and I were talking about toys and stickers and she was asking was there a way to buy them cheaper by buying direct from china.. So our question is.. Does anyone buy capped or uncapped toys from china instead of company here in us.. Is it cheaper to cap ur own product.. If so what web site should we be looking at.. Just a thought

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I'm new to the vending game but I have some experience in wholesale and china specific trading. It is almost always true that you can save a lot of money from buying from China BUT, and it's a big but, it almost always requires you buying in serious bulk due to the shipping costs. So unless you are prepared to buy hundreds or even thousands at a time, it probably won't be feasible. You might try checking out some of the companies on alibaba though, get some more info and quotes. knowledge is always key.

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There are some things you can buy direct if you want to go through the hoops. But small stuff like we use doesn't have enough value per item to be doable, as has been said the quanities needed to interest someone to sel lto you would be very large. Some electronics can be bought but usually money is upfront so the risk of getting ripped off is huge.

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I'd agree, the logistics on such a large direct process would be daunting compared to buying from local distributors and wholesalers. You may save money going directly to China for product, but you'll pay for it in time, space, and logistics. It all hinges on whether you can navigate the hoops and other hurdles to make it feasible. I do not know any vendors who have accomplished this successfully in my area, so I can't gauge how difficult they may be, or what the end difference would be compared to a traditional wholesaler.

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i have bought a lot of electronics from china its not difficult you have to understand everything is very negotiable especially if you are buying quantity, for capsule stuff who knows, but for ipod type stuff you can get shipments of 24,40,etc.. rather small but not mix & match. If i had a lot of cranes i would just buy these items direct. shipping is not expensive andf the chinese know how to ship to avoid paying duty, a lot of times they will break the shipment up. I ordered $3k worth of stuff years ago and they sent it in like 15 different boxes to a few addresses.

also yeah for a lot of stuff you will have to WU or MG the money up front but i have never had a problem with it. if you are concerned have them send a sample usually this will involve a nominal fee.

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Unless you're buying a whole container full it probably won't be worth it

Pre 2008 I bought stuff direct from time to time. But this is a new era if you import you must perform the testing and you are on the hook for liability issues. It's smarter to buy from a supplier.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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Pre 2008 I bought stuff direct from time to time. But this is a new era if you import you must perform the testing and you are on the hook for liability issues. It's smarter to buy from a supplier.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

Ya I figured there was a lot of red tape.. Or a lot more people would be doing it... I worry about people slipping and falling at my work.. Let a lone, someone choking on a banned toy from one of my machine..

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