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Has anyone ever had any luck with bars?


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I have a bar with an 800 triple in it with peanuts, PMM and Cashews. It grosses about $200 a month. More during football season. I am going to replace the peanuts and try Super sour stuff like Cry Baby Tears. Will let you know how it goes.

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Every time I try and locate at a bar, the owners typically want an unreasonable amount. Usually they want money up front, and act like they're doing me a favor. However, if you can find a bar that will work with you, go for it! I hear they do well.

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I have 2 locations with cashews.I just switched one of them to .50 cents yesterday.I went from .5 ounce vend to .7,the max a northwestern wheel will vend,so they get a little more for double the money.in hindsight I wouldnt go with expensive cashews,I would try peanuts instead.

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i wouldnt do gum in bars because they get drunk and spit it out

Isn't that what you are supposed to do when you are finished chewing it.

On a serious note I've had gumballs and candy along with nuts in a bar. The gum sold well along with the chocolate candy. Reese pieces even sold well. Cashew sold alright. The problem I had was that most bars already sell nuts and you are taking away from their business. I didn't sell enough cashews to make it worth my time.

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I have had good luck with hot tamales and chewy sprees.

Where do you find Chewy Sprees? I can't find them anywhere, let alone for vending. Maybe it's a regional thing.

I agree though, Hot Tamales sound like they would do well in a bar.

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Where do you find Chewy Sprees? I can't find them anywhere, let alone for vending. Maybe it's a regional thing.

I agree though, Hot Tamales sound like they would do well in a bar.

Just Google "chewy sprees". Many places Amazon among others.

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Wizard, PMM Is still the top seller in the bar. I average about 260 servings per month for PMM and approx. 170 servings per month for Cashews.I read what JLM wrote about Almonds, but i can't find them. Antonio has a good idea about .50. I have a couple of .50 mechs so I might try that.

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