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Has anybody heard from locators r-us

ricjo vending

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I don't know who you are but as far as we are concerned, we've been replying to emails and we even talk to some clients over the phone. :) it took sometime for us to acknowledge orders or reply to email but WE DO reply. Send your email today and I will reply later after I finish calling my assigned locations. =)



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I tried calling them over several weeks and no one ever answers the phone. Finally, emailed them. The return message on LRU's website after submitting the email contact form says that someone will contact you within 24 hours, but I think it's been 72 hours and I haven't heard from anyone at LRU. How long does it usually take for LRU to intially get back to a potential buyer?

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I think they must either be shortstaffed or really busy not to answer the phone or return potential customers emails or calls. They started out with a blaze of fire but since then seem to have become a smolder. Like Caserri said it could be the Vendiscuss curse.

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I tried calling them over several weeks and no one ever answers the phone. Finally, emailed them. The return message on LRU's website after submitting the email contact form says that someone will contact you within 24 hours, but I think it's been 72 hours and I haven't heard from anyone at LRU. How long does it usually take for LRU to intially get back to a potential buyer?


I'm not sure but I haven't got any email from you in our info@locatorsrus.biz address. If you called us in our number this week, that line is busy since we are using it as our temporary call back number when we are calling locations since our main call back number has some minor issues. Kindly email us at support@locatorsrus.biz since that email is checked regularly.


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I ordered three locations to try them out as I have 100 or so machines to locate , it's been three weeks since I placed the order and so far nothing , I guess it's back to the drawing board, to bad I had lots of work for them if it worked out.

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I ordered three locations to try them out as I have 100 or so machines to locate , it's been three weeks since I placed the order and so far nothing , I guess it's back to the drawing board, to bad I had lots of work for them if it worked out.

I believed I emailed you that we are having hard time with your location since we are filtering businesses that we found according to your postal code limitations. But i also mentioned that we are trying our best to close your locations asap.


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I tried calling them over several weeks and no one ever answers the phone. Finally, emailed them. The return message on LRU's website after submitting the email contact form says that someone will contact you within 24 hours, but I think it's been 72 hours and I haven't heard from anyone at LRU. How long does it usually take for LRU to intially get back to a potential buyer?

I think communication is key in the locator business because of the stygma that surrounds it. If a locator is keeping in touch with me without having to prompt them for updates or info, it goes a long way in building trust. I placed an order with LRU a few days ago and had to email them at support@locatorsrus.biz to confirm they got my order. I would like to see them do this within the 24 hours they indicate on their email form after completing the order. I feel this is just good business practice especially with new customers who do not understand how they operate. I will have to say that after sending the email for confirmation that Gale quickly responded with all the info I needed and then some. That simple contact put my mind at ease.

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I had issues getting an invoice paid...they FINALLY emailed me back....I sent them an email order for 3 machines and never heard back......I just replaced the order with Rob@Kickstart

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not sure if they have a core group of vendors they are working with and they spend all there time catering to them, or if they are the same way with all there customers as far as the lack of communication. Its pretty simple if I send an email I expect a reply by the next business day. Hope they get it together we need all the locators we can get.

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Just got a location from this today. Somehow the location was sent to me 6 days ago but I never got an email. Maybe it went into spam. Anyways, I'm calling the location tomorrow and hoping for the best. :-) I think Gale has been really nice to work with. I'm hoping to do more with them.

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I placed 1 rack order and 7 singles with them late yesterday, 04/11...I have not heard back on that order, but I have had some communication with them prior to that order.

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I will say that I placed an order for 1 rack and 7 singles 2 days back....I received no confirmations or emails after that..I've sent 1-2 more as a followup w/o a response.....I sent Rob an order about 2 weeks back....I sent an email 2 days back to just checkup on the order and "It's being worked on this week", although the week is almost over....

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LRU stinks at responding to emails. That's my biggest gripe with them. Otherwise when its all said and done,they've been getting the job done for me with good locations and in the end that's what matters to me. They got me a heavily trafficked public golf course this week. Ive been just taking the good with the bad in regards to LRU...and as far as locators go, their prices are good.

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