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Quick Question...

Locators R Us

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I noticed that some vendors ask how long would it take to secure locations... As a locator, i have few questions to vendors... How long would it take for you guys to deliver the machine after we gave the locations? I noticed there are vendors who deliver next day or within the week that we secure the locations. However, I also noticed some delivers 2-3 weeks after we gave the locations. What are the reasons why it took some time for you guys to deliver?

Your answers are really appreciated.

Thank you!

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I would think that the answer would vary by operator. But here is my two cents. The great thing about bulk vending is that its easy to get into but that is also the bulk vending curse. Because you will get people that know little to nothing about business. I would say deliver that machine with in 24 hrs. But some one who does not know how to run a business may think its ok to wait. Reasons vary but the reasons don't matter because after you get permission to place memories get fuzzy at the new location and a week, two or three the owner many times won't remember. That was a good question to ask. There always seems to be an operator moaning about a locator. And I'm sure often times its the operator actions that makes the deal go south.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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I personally am a single parent and i work a full time and parttime job along with vending. When i get locations i try to secure them as well but i have other obligations that i have to attend to as well. Another major factor for me being a single parent is getting a baby sitter for my kiddo. Not only am i paying for locations im paying for a baby sitter while i place locations as well. I try and get multiple before i deliver

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I personally am a single parent and i work a full time and parttime job along with vending. When i get locations i try to secure them as well but i have other obligations that i have to attend to as well. Another major factor for me being a single parent is getting a baby sitter for my kiddo. Not only am i paying for locations im paying for a baby sitter while i place locations as well. I try and get multiple before i deliver

I understand what your saying. Life happens. But when the location is secured and the machines are not delivered right away the location owner may forget or change their mind or another vendor may come in. Even though life happens the machine still may not be placed in a timely manor. In that case the only thing that matters is the machine wasn't placed.

I may loose a location now because AA is taking to long on machines. At the end of the day they only thing that matters is that machines are not placed. The reason is invalad.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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I always do my best to deliver machines within 3 days.

And even 3 days is a little too long a wait for my comfort level.

IMO, if a vendor enters into an agreement with a locator, that vendor better be ready to move pronto once a locator holds their end of the bargain and finds a location.

Sure, family, career, and other factors get in the way, but, that is neither the locator nor the locations fault.

As havending states, reasons for not delivering promptly may be valid to the vendor, but why should the location or locator care?

The bottom line at that point is that the location is not getting machines as promptly as experience and wisdom dictates they should be.

If you aren't in a position to get machines out within a day or two, I'd suggest you either:

A. Locate for yourself to make sure you set proper expectations with locations and/or only find locations when your schedule is likely to be free for delivering equipment.


B. Let your locator know BEFORE placing the order what kind of turn-around time is likely on deliveries using the worse-case-scenario as a base so that the locator can determine whether it's worth his/her time to work for you.

Most vendors would not hire a locator who allowed family, non-locating work commitments, and personal issues delay their finding locations.

As vendors, why should we expect more understanding from them than we're willing to give?

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Thanks to all your insights guys! if your dilemma are locators not getting you any locations, or took a long time to find locations. As a prepay service locators, our dilemma are vendors who is taking too long to deliver machines after giving them locations. We understand reasons like vacation or they have a day job and etc. as long as they inform us ahead of time. :)

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Locators R Us, I ordered 4 locations from you all 3 months ago and am still waiting on 3. Out of the 4 you gave me, 2 refused and 1 closed up before I could collect the first month. I emailed you guys several times and have heard nothing. What is the deal?

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Hello Dee,

I don't think i got your email since i am pretty sure WE DO reply to emails. Can you email us? so that I can check your account. Thanks! :)

Sounds like you guys are doing a very good job and even participating on the forum. I plan on using you guys as soon as we know where we plan being after we move to a new house. Have you guys ever done any locating in the temecula, Oceanside or orange county areas.

In orange county yes, but that was few years ago.

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