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Whats the cheapest place to order chewy spree?


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I don't use chewy sprees...but, at around $65-$70 plus shipping for 30lbs, I don't think I'll start.

That is, unless I learn something extremely positive about chewy sprees that I didn't already know.

Any reason you're "kicking this idea around"?

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I am kicking around the idea of vending chewy spree. Anyone have any leads on the cheapest place to order chewy spree? I did notice that A&A carrys chewy spree.

did you look in that price list I sent you?they may have it or something similar.
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Chewy Sprees are my number 1 seller next to MMP . I buy direct from Ford as the warehouse is only a few hours from where I live. I get it for like $60 a case. That is the cheapest I have seen.

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I just looked around online and found a place 2 miles from me called Sweet Distributing. I called them and asked whats their price on PMM. The guy told me $25 for a 48LB case. He said I can come there. I should of asked if theres a certain amount of cases I have to buy. I guess ill find out when I get there. But wow! That will be a great deal.

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I just looked around online and found a place 2 miles from me called Sweet Distributing. I called them and asked whats their price on PMM. The guy told me $25 for a 48LB case. He said I can come there. I should of asked if theres a certain amount of cases I have to buy. I guess ill find out when I get there. But wow! That will be a great deal.

Wow, that IS good! I wonder what their shipping rates are...

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The guy was wrong. He clearly said 48lbs on the phone. I go through all the trouble to get my vending licence so i can shop there and it turns out that is 48 packs. Everything they sell is for service vending. No bulk. Im not giving up hope. I will look up every candy distributor in cleveland and hopefully one will be able to sell me bulk.

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The guy was wrong. He clearly said 48lbs on the phone. I go through all the trouble to get my vending licence so i can shop there and it turns out that is 48 packs. Everything they sell is for service vending. No bulk. Im not giving up hope. I will look up every candy distributor in cleveland and hopefully one will be able to sell me bulk.

I dont think service vending has pmm.what make you say that?
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Its 48 packs of PMM. Like what you find at a candy store. So it was 48 packs with like 10 pieces in them. The guy I talked to on the phone must of been pretty dumb to tell me its a 48lb case. or maybe Im dumb for believing it.

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