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Going full time

Rick Falcon

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I have been doing alot of thinking lately of vending full time and I just want to get an idea of what it takes to be able to take that step.How many locations would it take to make a decent living from bulk vending,to the full time vendors when did you know it was time to make that move?


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I have been doing alot of thinking lately of vending full time and I just want to get an idea of what it takes to be able to take that step.How many locations would it take to make a decent living from bulk vending,to the full time vendors when did you know it was time to make that move?


I am not full time yet but I would think that it would include the amount needed per month to replace your current income. The number of machines doesn't mean anything to me, it's the amount they produce is what counts.

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For some reason I always thought you were full time. The trick is to live below your means I always have. When you do make the switch you don't want crazy bills like CC, high end retail, member ships hanging over your head. You can start to over buy product so that when you go full time the cost isn't as bad. Set up net 30 accounts that will really help your cash flow.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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Im looking to get into bulk vending soon. I was thinking of starting with the 1800 triple heads. Is the goal of getting locations that average 10 bucks a month per head to low or to high to shoot for.

What do you guys look for as a decent triple head location that makes you happy enough to keep the location.

I know that 7bucks a month per head is the national average but from all of the posts I have seen here it seems too low.

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The trick is to live below your means I always have. When you do make the switch you don't want crazy bills like CC, high end retail, member ships hanging over your head.

Solid advice for life in general.

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Im looking to get into bulk vending soon. I was thinking of starting with the 1800 triple heads. Is the goal of getting locations that average 10 bucks a month per head to low or to high to shoot for.

What do you guys look for as a decent triple head location that makes you happy enough to keep the location.

I know that 7bucks a month per head is the national average but from all of the posts I have seen here it seems too low.

As it is, that's just an "Average". I can't imagine a way you could make every spot a good one. I have some machines that have absolutely abysmal pulls, and others that go above and beyond my expectations on a regular basis. As to the best spots for triples, you want either a spot with a lot of foot traffic, or a spot where people have to wait. Anywhere people are stuck doing "nothing" while they wait tend to be good spots in my experience. People get hungry, and they have change, and are willing to go for the snacks we vendors provide as an impulse buy. Scout around, you seem to have done your homework. Good luck!

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