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A statement to all vending suppliers


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Notably A&A Global, Beaver, Northwestern, and Canmax.

While your presence here is appreciated, I will no longer tolerate your moles. Each of you have secretly joined this forum with the sole intention of monitoring what is being said about your respective companies. I have no issue with that and find that to be a prudent behavior. However, I will NOT tolerate your continued efforts to bully me, our members, or this site when something negative is posted about your company. This is an open forum. As such, our members are FREE to express their opinions about you. Especially if they found your services to be less than adequate. If our members continue to be bullied, blackballed, or threatened with legal action for exercising their right to free and open communication, I will make it my personal mission to spread their word to as many people as I can. Your behavior is unacceptable.

If any of you have any issue with anything that is posted here, I advise you to take it up with me or the moderating staff personally instead of hiding behind what you believe are anonymous usernames and moles. Or better yet, why don't you actually post something in response? Why don't you actually become a productive member of this community? Why are you afraid of actually interacting with your customers?

If this unacceptable behavior does not stop, I will be forced to go through our member rolls and delete each and every one of you and not allow you back. That goes for the moles as well. In addition, I will set up company specific forums where our members can post their experiences they have had with you with complete anonymity. Then you will have no recourse.

The choice is yours. Become a productive member of this community. Offer help and guidance to YOUR customers and reinforce your brand. Or continue to cower in the shadows and strike at anyone who dares say anything that you don't like.

Make your choice quickly.

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No matter how good a company is, people are going to complain.

That being said, companies do not do themselves a favor by overreacting to complaints, or to attempt to control, or manipulate what people say or hear, especially through fear and intimidation.

Reminds me of the customer who was unhappy with Blockbuster, so he created Netflix.

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Here! Here! I personally would have a TON of respect for a company that signed up with a clearly identifiable username and actually addressed concerns made about them in an open forum. If you want an example of somebody that does it right, just search for the username "Locators R Us". They have not always received positive reviews on this forum, but whenever anything is said about them regardless of whether it's positive or negative, they are here under that username. And I'll be honest, that fact and Kandy Kings review thread are the ONLY reason I signed up for an account with them this week and purchased locations.

Whatever companies C is referring to, you should fire your marketing manager immediately. You just don't get it. In this day and age your customers talk to each other; there is no hiding anymore. Adapt or die.

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I agree whole heartedly and as a professional online marketer who has been mentioned in several College text books and worked for some very large companies I would express my hopes that they do some basic research in Internet law and best practices for dealing with customers and complaints online. You are no longer the big fish who dictates the industry, you had it too good for too long, it's time you wake up to realize you now live in a technology and communication driven society where you cater to your customers, not the other way around.

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  • 10 months later...

imo Northwestern seemingly thinks it is that only the bigger vendors are all that count.they dont realize that all the smaller orders add up.they doubled the price of conversion kits and cant even add a price decal while charging  $34 for their newest mech!! rdendy hits the nail on the head.I`m convinced  the companies that are active on vendiscuss are adding to their bottom because of it.

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