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snack time combo


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I know sucks. Have one in perfect condition snack and coke for $50 so I got it. Does anyone have one doing a decent ammount? One column seems stuck tho I'm sure in a laundro mat or something it could make maybe $60+ a month?

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A couple of problems with that machine. Not reliable so lots of service calls and also if it does sell some product it will drive you nuts filling it up every couple of days. But $50 is not a big investment.

Also changing the price on those things is harder than building a addition on your house with a $200 budget. But I think you know all of this anyway. Find an office with 25 to 30 people that's about all it will handle.

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I know sucks. Have one in perfect condition snack and coke for $50 so I got it. Does anyone have one doing a decent ammount? One column seems stuck tho I'm sure in a laundro mat or something it could make maybe $60+ a month?


Maybe its just me but I don't understand why you would even want a site that would only generate $60 a month? I know your ROI on a machine that you only paid $50 for seems like it makes sense but don't you think you would be better off looking at investing more in a quality machine to make more at a better site.

You would be better off having 1 machine doing $600/month than 10 machines doing $60/month..

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Maybe its just me but I don't understand why you would even want a site that would only generate $60 a month? I know your ROI on a machine that you only paid $50 for seems like it makes sense but don't you think you would be better off looking at investing more in a quality machine to make more at a better site.

You would be better off having 1 machine doing $600/month than 10 machines doing $60/month..

No, It's not just you Kiwi

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you really cant rely on a locator for full line. a full time sales guy yes, but a locator wont get you too far most places aren slam dunk close maybe some apt places but anywhere good is gonna want a few follow ups at a minimum. the easiest places to locate IMO are hotels because most just care about money and how the machines look and to a lesser degree service, so you're only competing on 1 main dimension, commission. laundromats are the same way. these are not great accounts but can be solid $200+ a month accounts. nursing homes are also not difficult accounts to locate but can be time consuming. also bowling centers can be really profitable even tho they have a snack bar, again mainly ur competing on commissions

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Aim for places where there is no near by gas stations many rural factories etc. Don't put one where there r already machines. Busy car washes too laundry mats and also apartments where they don't have individual washer and dryer hook ups.

I wouldn't want to keep any location making under $120 a month. I have one location that does $200 a week I service once a week. And I have a crappy tire shop that does $10 ish a month. I'll move it when I find a good location. Also most of my machines ive bought for $500-$600 each I've looked for great deals. I just bought locks for them to b keyed alike.

I know sucks. Have one in perfect condition snack and coke for $50 so I got it. Does anyone have one doing a decent ammount? One column seems stuck tho I'm sure in a laundro mat or something it could make maybe $60+ a month?


I just read an old post of yours regarding average turnover where you said that you wouldn't want a location doing under $120/month but now you are looking at locations doing $60/month..

I hope you don't take this question the wrong way but I was wondering why you changed your opinion on what your minimum site turnover should be & the reason for this?

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This is really crazy, you will not make money fullstop, either giveup before wasting more money, or get smart and do the hard yards!. When will small operators realise they need to do the locating themselves instead of spending time on here and making excuses why they just cannot do it for a variety of reasons!.

If you carnt learn to locate yourself simply dont get into vending as your chances of success is slim.....................its not passive income!.

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I've been doing great actually. This one I actually bought to help a buddy out. I'm posting it for sale on cl. I don't see why it might not work in say one of my bulk accounts that does good. If they do $30-$70 in pmms I'm sure it'd do more in this.

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If its a place close by why not? I paid $50 for it. If it makes $50-$100 a month that's money in my pocket. I have tried a locator twice all my 40+ bulk and 12+ snack and coke I own paid off located myself in under a year

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