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Landed a game room in a burger joint...NOW WHAT?


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We have just landed an account with a new burger restaurant. They have an extra room that we (Dallas Area Vending) get all to ourselves. I tried to close him on 20% commission he wants 30. All we run is triples now so this is our first run at a big account.

How should we outfit this to test the water and see what works? Rack, chicken, spiral, crane...:huh:

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How big is the room?  What is the target demographic?  Family, kids, adults (hooters or twin peaks crowd), sports themed?  


Unless this place is a well known chain don't put a ton of money in it until it proves that it will be around for a while just like mainor said.


Find a cheap plush crane and candy/toy crane.  5 way rack at least.  (Assuming the place is aimed at family and kids)

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How big is the room?  What is the target demographic?  Family, kids, adults (hooters or twin peaks crowd), sports themed?  


Unless this place is a well known chain don't put a ton of money in it until it proves that it will be around for a while just like mainor said.


Find a cheap plush crane and candy/toy crane.  5 way rack at least.  (Assuming the place is aimed at family and kids)

I agree with Mjacks. A used rack and a used crane should do the trick. One Crane and rack will probably make what 20-40 triples would make depending on your locations. And you got a good deal at 30% commission lol. Where I live guys are mostly at 40% but some guy is walking around offering 50%. BS commission if you ask me but hey if owners believe it, jokes on them. 

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I'm going to assume you need to fill the room with equipment.  If that is the case, just a rack and a crane wont cut it if you leave an entire room almost empty.  The location wouldn't be happy and it probably wouldn't be long before you had company. So, depending on the size of the room, I recommend as much variety as possible.  2 player racing game, air hockey, basketball, one or two upright videos and prize games including one or two cranes and a high end merchandizer like Key Master.  If you are confident in the account, buy the prize games new.  They are what will make you your money.  Everything else, try to buy good used pieces.  Realize that it has been years since videos have done well but you need them for variety and because the locations and customers expect it.  Under no circumstances should you buy an expensive new racing game.  Do not let a distributor talk you into it.  IF the location wants new equipment, make a plan to reinvest a % back into the location.  It is also sometimes possible to negotiate a lower or 0 commission rate if a location wants a particular new game.  Most locations simply don't realize how expensive new games cost and will understand if properly explained to them.  You also need to look at if you need to be on tokens for security reasons especially if it is a separate room off by itself.  Also separate rooms don't always do well,  all types of equipment do best in the room where the people are eating.  Out of sight, out of mind.  Try to locate a crane outside of the entrance to the game room and put the rack or even a 2nd crane next to the exit or in the entrance foyer and don't be surprised if it does just as well as the entire game room.

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I'm going to assume you need to fill the room with equipment.  If that is the case, just a rack and a crane wont cut it if you leave an entire room almost empty.  The location wouldn't be happy and it probably wouldn't be long before you had company. So, depending on the size of the room, I recommend as much variety as possible.  2 player racing game, air hockey, basketball, one or two upright videos and prize games including one or two cranes and a high end merchandizer like Key Master.  If you are confident in the account, buy the prize games new.  They are what will make you your money.  Everything else, try to buy good used pieces.  Realize that it has been years since videos have done well but you need them for variety and because the locations and customers expect it.  Under no circumstances should you buy an expensive new racing game.  Do not let a distributor talk you into it.  IF the location wants new equipment, make a plan to reinvest a % back into the location.  It is also sometimes possible to negotiate a lower or 0 commission rate if a location wants a particular new game.  Most locations simply don't realize how expensive new games cost and will understand if properly explained to them.  You also need to look at if you need to be on tokens for security reasons especially if it is a separate room off by itself.  Also separate rooms don't always do well,  all types of equipment do best in the room where the people are eating.  Out of sight, out of mind.  Try to locate a crane outside of the entrance to the game room and put the rack or even a 2nd crane next to the exit or in the entrance foyer and don't be surprised if it does just as well as the entire game room.


I like your advise but I would still need to know more about the location.  I would go with all this if the location is going to have a lot of families and kids coming through it.  Adults not so much.


CiCi's pizza ok, great.  One off mom and pop bar and grill, not so much.  Also, if I had places to go with all the equipment if the place flounders it would be easier to make the commitment but otherwise having $15k or more of equipment sitting at my office wouldn't be ideal.

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It's gonna be a family oriented deal....he gonna try to build a CiCis type environment. The room is going to be 10 by 12 I think. This is his second location.....number 1 has been open a year and is doing nicely.

He is a religious family man.

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It's gonna be a family oriented deal....he gonna try to build a CiCis type environment. The room is going to be 10 by 12 I think. This is his second location.....number 1 has been open a year and is doing nicely.





It still a small and unproven business, most small businesses fail within the first 5 years. Nothing wrong with taking a chance, just have your eyes wide open going in. Whatever you put in there get a agreement in writing listing the equipment and serial numbers, if applicable, so IF it does fail you have something to prove ownership to the property owner so you have a better chance to get your equipment out and not have it sold to cover unpaid rent

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if you need, I sell and service used arcade games like drivers and area 51, ms pac/galaga, multis, fighters and I have some used redemption bulk games

like fun e ball and countdown and I also have used change machines BC3500 and BC1200

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I have been selling used games for ever.

what do you think you will want to set.

Do you have an amusement machine license from the state yet

so you can purchase amusement machine permits?

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The state can be slow (go figure)

This time of year should not be too bad but if you know for sure you are going to put amusements in there like video games or toy cranes,

you need to get that started and sent off. My guess on a new applicant 30-90 days.

Candy cranes, chicken, tatoo, sticker, bulk racks do not need permits

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It still a small and unproven business, most small businesses fail within the first 5 years. Nothing wrong with taking a chance, just have your eyes wide open going in. Whatever you put in there get a agreement in writing listing the equipment and serial numbers, if applicable, so IF it does fail you have something to prove ownership to the property owner so you have a better chance to get your equipment out and not have it sold to cover unpaid rent

I'm in the process of outfitting this room now.  Do you have a blank agreement, or can you tell me the language I need to use?

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I would definitely invest in some used arcade games in addition to the bulk & redemption.  You can get used Cruisin Worlds & Road Burners fairly cheap and link them & they will make a ton of money.  You can also get some cheap shooters that still earn decent such as Maximum Force or Time Crisis etc.  Drivers & shooters are really the only arcade games that make money any more & if you link the drivers they do really well.  Like someone else said earlier if you do not fill up the space someone else will!  Good luck & I hope this account kicks golpher for you!

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Any thought to setting up a coin operated air hockey game table? Or even a coin op pool table? If you have an entire room to work with, adding a game has virtually no overhead other than electricity and once in a while maintenance. I'd do it if they'd let me.

As soon as we get it up and running we'll be adding a basketball game.

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