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After 1 year of being in some locations, owners are starting to forget the bulk candy machines are for charity, and now are starting to ask for commission, when i explain they are charity machines and i can't afford to pay commission, they tell me to remove the machine, is there something i should do in this cases, thanks for the help.

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After 1 year of being in some locations, owners are starting to forget the bulk candy machines are for charity, and now are starting to ask for commission, when i explain they are charity machines and i can't afford to pay commission, they tell me to remove the machine, is there something i should do in this cases, thanks for the help.

I'm assuming you vend candy, if this is the case raise price point and pay commission or switch to gumballs and toys and pay.

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After 1 year of being in some locations, owners are starting to forget the bulk candy machines are for charity, and now are starting to ask for commission, when i explain they are charity machines and i can't afford to pay commission, they tell me to remove the machine, is there something i should do in this cases, thanks for the help.

Why do you say you can't afford to pay commission? It's not hard for these location owners to see candy in racks at supermarkets, Walmart, movies etc. And they are smart enough to know these locations get paid. Switch to hard pressed candy and gum balls to increase profit. It's not that you can't pay but more like you don't want to.

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I'd pay commission.  That being said, if it's bulk candy you're probably only pulling $15-$45 a month.  I'd have a candid conversation with them that standard bulk candy commission is 25% so we're talking about $4-$11 a month here.  And if it's grossing substantially more than that you're flat out lying that you can't afford it.

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I'd switch to paying commission and ask the better performing locations if you can upgrade your machine to a rack that vends gumballs, candy & toys. Offer the owners 25% commission. You should not be losing locations because you are too cheap to pay commission. The hardest part of this business is finding good locations.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

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I agree with rick and dkochan. If they are gonna kick u out just tell them u will stop paying the charity and start paying them. But before u do that make sure they know its only a couple bucks a month they are getting. Some of these store managers are idiots they should just make their money in their store the way they know how and leave the charities alone, it won't break their bank.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk

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After 1 year of being in some locations, owners are starting to forget the bulk candy machines are for charity, and now are starting to ask for commission, when i explain they are charity machines and i can't afford to pay commission, they tell me to remove the machine, is there something i should do in this cases, thanks for the help.


If you can't "afford to pay commission" then these machines aren't earning much.

Getting kicked out of places like this can be a blessing in disguise.

Quit worrying about losing crappy locations.

Go pick up that equipment and move it to another location.

You have so little to lose.

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