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Dosent Look Good For Import Bulk Toy Prices

Makes Cents

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I read that article and I think...HOLY CRAP!

Then I read a well reasoned reply against and I think...HOLY CRAP!

And so it goes, on and on back and forth.  I try and educate myself on these things but for every reasonable assertion that the sky is falling there's a reasonable counterpoint.  And if the author's prediction really is correct, bulk toy prices will be about #537 on the list of things for you and I care about; well behind making it home safely with your monthly ration of flour and corn.  

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So the stuff we buy that once was mostly made in Germany then Japan then Hong Kong now china will soon be made in Vietnam, India, or the next low wage source. Why is this scary? It's business.

There will always be a source of cheap goods. India has made bulk products for years.

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So the stuff we buy that once was mostly made in Germany then Japan then Hong Kong now china will soon be made in Vietnam, India, or the next low wage source. Why is this scary? It's business.

I think its scary for two reasons

1- Its true there will be alternative sources of low cost labor produced products but its going to be hard to match the scale of size, selection and efficiency of the China produced products. Look how many factories are advertising on the import Ali sites. These are huge factories and there are many. At the very least there will be a period of lag time.

2- The effect of other China product price increases throughout the US economy will take its toll. Higher consumer prices means less disposable cash to spend. In 2008 when credit crises hit and credit card companies started charging higher interest rates or cancelling cards outright, consumers had less & less disposable cash and the restaurant , entertainment and other industries and others took a huge hit. Places were closing left and right.

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So the stuff we buy that once was mostly made in Germany then Japan then Hong Kong now china will soon be made in Vietnam, India, or the next low wage source. Why is this scary? It's business.

My most recent order of high bounce balls, 27 mm, 45 mm and 49 mm were manufactured in Vietnam. Prior to this my high bouncer were manufactured in China.

Gotta love those beautiful Asian women!!!

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