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Raising my overall average

lowcountry Dan

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I have been vending candy for about 4 1/2 years. It has been a struggle, but I have stuck with it.  I use Vendstars, but I keep them in good shape. What has been a vexing problem for me is my overall average is only about $12.00 per machine per month.  I took a hit losing some decent locations and it's hurting my bottom line. 


Here is what I am doing: I service my machines on a regular basis, keep them clean, and ask my customers if they want different candy. I feel like I am doing everything right, but business is just bad.  I am realistic. i think i should shoot for $15 on average, then shoot for $20. per machine, per month. 


My conclusions are this: either candy is dead or this is just a bad market for it. I don't think i will add any more candy machine and will go to BB's or 1" capsules.   


As you may know, it's hard to take when you feel like you are doing a good job, but results aren't there. Does anyone have any tips on how I might raise my average? Maybe I am missing something in what I am doing. 


Thanks for your time. 


lowcountry dan

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Makes Cents hit the nail on the head.

If you are "averaging" $12 that means some of those triples are earning only a few dollars a month.

Get those into a place that merits 3 selections.


On a side note: you don't have to pull out of ALL of those low earners.

If you do charity, a charity gumball single may do fine in some of those low earners....you may find they pull $12 per month just as your triples did.


But either way, get those triples in some better homes if they are averaging less than $12 per month.

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I'm going to disagree with the other responses and say that your conclusion is correct, candy is mostly dead. I only have two locations out of about 50 that sell enough candy for me to bother stocking it. I converted all of my other candy locations to toys and flat items over the last year and haven't regretted it for a second. If you've got candy locations grossing more than $25 per month, then keep candy there, everything else I would either relocate or switch to toys and flat (I would lean strongly toward the latter).

But rather than replacing all of your machines at once, maybe just get a cheap A&A double and try toys in a location and see if you notice an improvement in revenue. Test the waters before you leap in.

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I'm going to (kinda) disagree with shepardsflock. I vend about 85% candy and have a very nice income. It all depands where you live. I live in the center of Ca. and I know many candy vendors in my area making a very nice income. As many of you know if you read the other threads I just bought a HUGE candy route and this route has been going strong for over 40 years. Yes the sales have probably dropped but is still a very good producer. I think the main thing is youhave to think outside the box. I have many hundred dollar candy locations, again it may be Ca.  By outside the box I will give one example..Drug Placement Centers ( places the court sends you if you have a drug or alcohol arrest) I have 6 of those that do over 100 each and I have vendstars at those. So is it dead compared to years ago...maybe some peoples standard....by others stnadards it is alive and well!


My two cents....

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When I go into a location and it doesn't do as well as I think it should, then I change the slowest item to something else. I do keep a pretty big variety, I know some say not to, but I started with Uturn 8 selects, so I'm accustomed to it. If after going through a set amount of different items you still get nothing, put a smaller machine in and move the triple. I just started doing this.

I don't think candy is dead if you work the location.

I am also currently moving more towards toys though, but only for places that it will go well, like restaurants or where kids are. I'll try everything I can before I pull out of a location. The competition is tough here, so I try not to waste a spot unless I've tried everything!

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You can maybe try to go every 5 or 6 weeks instead of every month. I have one route I run at week 4 then week 5 I check my second route then week 6 I check the third route. I set them up based on how fast they sell. So a machine that sells out of candy a lot I set that up on week 4 and so on. Then on my days off I find new locations.

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