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USI CB-500 not dropping soda


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I have a CB-500 that is doing some odd stuff.  The problem seems to only be with one selection so far but it doesn't make much sense to me.  This is with the older CB-500 board and not the new ones.


When you put your money in and make your selection, and it seems to only be selection "L", the motor turns for a fraction of a second and your change is given (if it is owed) but no product is received.


The LED that is supposed to be on (at least from what the manual shows) is not on at all.  I am not even sure if the drop sensor is on.


I have concluded that it is one of two problems...


1) the drop sensor is not functioning properly for some reason.  I don't think this is the problem because the other selections seem to work fine.


2) the motor for that selection is faulty.  This only seems possibly if the drop sensor is disabled.


3) the board is bad and seems to get a signal telling it that the drop sensor went off or, if the sensor is disabled, the board isn't allowing for the motor to turn all the way.


My money is on the board having a problem communicating with the sensor but I don't know if the sensor could cause this or the board might be doing it on its own.  The machine is probably 10~ years old and probably grosses $600/year.  It is just an auxiliary machine next to a Bevmax 2/3.  There is currently an out of order sign on it.  I just need some opinions on what might be going on here.

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You need to adjust the drop sensor.  Are you sure it's a CB500 and not a CB700 with 14 columns, because column L would be column 12 which is in the rear, second from the left?  Your drop sensor light should never be on unless there is an impact detected by the sensor.  The light will be on if you are adjusting it to factory specs as that is part of the adjustment.  Look in the manual and see which way you need to turn it, CW or CCW, to make the sensor less sensitive.  It's very common for the rear columns, especially those closer to the corners, to not be detected as well by the sensor.  Only make a 1/4 turn adjustment and then test the column.  If it works multiple times then test other columns too, especially the corners to see if they still drop properly.

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I am 100% sure it's a CB-500 with 10 columns.  It may not be selection L but it is the rear-middle column.  However, this was the only selection that seemed to do this so far.  It might be other columns but it worked fine most of the time.


I have the instructions from the manual but I just wanted an opinion before I tampered with the drop sensor.  The screw on the board appears to be so tiny that it may take a razor knife to turn it (unless I was looking at the wrong screw).


Thanks Randy.


Edit: it seems as though the sensor is too sensitive, so I need to make it less sensitive.  I guess the column is causing the sensor to go off when the motor begins to turn.  I will adjust it.

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Chris, the early versions of the CB 500 has letter selections. The newer one went to numbered selections. Selection L would be mid rear. My guess is the motor for that selection. I do not believe there is an option to turnoff the vend sensor. Since the machine is only doing $50/month, I would just leave that column empty, set the price at $99.95 and use the other 9 columns. That should be plenty of selections.

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Chris, the early versions of the CB 500 has letter selections. The newer one went to numbered selections. Selection L would be mid rear. My guess is the motor for that selection. I do not believe there is an option to turnoff the vend sensor. Since the machine is only doing $50/month, I would just leave that column empty, set the price at $99.95 and use the other 9 columns. That should be plenty of selections.


Thanks for that.  If I cannot produce the same problem with any of the other selections and adjusting the drop sensor doesn't seem to help me out, I am going to use your idea and just leave that column empty.  It's probably the cheapest fix possible and I can easily use 9 selections instead of 10 in that machine.

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