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New route purchased - how much candy do I need


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It is difficult to say since all routes are different.  I would recommend bringing too much and not using it all instead of being short and having to get more and go back.  After a few times of running the route you will get a feel for how much to bring.  Make sure that you are keeping accurate records of inventory in order to calculate profits.  

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17 minutes ago, Determined said:

How did you make out? Was your route what you thought it was going to be?


Serviced most of the route but more to do next month. I ended up taking just about enough candy on this run.  One bag per head was about right. Had a host of other problems including some machines I evidently don't have a key for. Also broke a key. Most of the equipment was pretty good condition, all Beavers and Seaga. Not real crazy about the Seaga machines. A number of lackluster locations are probably going to get pulled after the next service run. This was a real eye opener about buying a route and I think I'm only going to do my own locating going forward. But there is some opportunity for improvement on even the worst locations. I think I'm also going to develop a criteria for minimum performance of either 15$ per month OR 20-30$ per collection. And focus on placing commission only racks and amusements and get away from charity bulk. 

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Serviced most of the route but more to do next month. I ended up taking just about enough candy on this run.  One bag per head was about right. Had a host of other problems including some machines I evidently don't have a key for. Also broke a key. Most of the equipment was pretty good condition, all Beavers and Seaga. Not real crazy about the Seaga machines. A number of lackluster locations are probably going to get pulled after the next service run. This was a real eye opener about buying a route and I think I'm only going to do my own locating going forward. But there is some opportunity for improvement on even the worst locations. I think I'm also going to develop a criteria for minimum performance of either 15$ per month OR 20-30$ per collection. And focus on placing commission only racks and amusements and get away from charity bulk. 

In my experience you really have to do your homework when buying a route. I bought a route that was neglected, but seen opportunity for profit based on the locations they were in. It wasn't worth the asking price based on equipment, but I saw opportunity so we negotiated a deal. Was it a guarantee I was gonna make more profit? No, but I based my opinion on my own experience with certain type of locations. It ended up turning out great for me. Like any business, you learn over time, but you never stop learning.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

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6 hours ago, Candyguy said:


In my experience you really have to do your homework when buying a route. I bought a route that was neglected, but seen opportunity for profit based on the locations they were in. It wasn't worth the asking price based on equipment, but I saw opportunity so we negotiated a deal. Was it a guarantee I was gonna make more profit? No, but I based my opinion on my own experience with certain type of locations. It ended up turning out great for me. Like any business, you learn over time, but you never stop learning.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk


What homework did you do? I looked over the guys numbers but due to the huge number of locations and the distance over which they were spaced, we just couldn't go to each one to examine the equipment. I thought his asking price at 100$ per location, each with at least a double head, was reasonable for my market.

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What homework did you do? I looked over the guys numbers but due to the huge number of locations and the distance over which they were spaced, we just couldn't go to each one to examine the equipment. I thought his asking price at 100$ per location, each with at least a double head, was reasonable for my market.

Some people throw in the towel on a route when they get ready to sell... So they show their best customer to you, and hope and pray you (or them) don't have time to look at the rest... Happened to me before... But overall it turn out right.

Sent from my Z987 using Tapatalk

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4 hours ago, jerrybrooksvendall said:

Some people throw in the towel on a route when they get ready to sell... So they show their best customer to you, and hope and pray you (or them) don't have time to look at the rest... Happened to me before... But overall it turn out right.

Sent from my Z987 using Tapatalk

Very first route I bought was supposed to be 15 machines on location. I didn't know much about vending at the time, but for $1200 I figured it would be a decent deal. We met at a local restaurant in the lobby. We sat and he went over the location sheets of each location. Never actually went to any locations. I ended up buying the route and since he only ran it every 4-6 months, he didn't know that 2 locations closed and for rid of his machines. I did pull $400 from them the next day when I went to inspect them, so it ended up working out for me as well. I won't buy a route line that in the future though. 

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