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Change Prices on Old Lektro-Vend Machine


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I have an old Lektro-Vend Machine that I'm trying to change the prices on.  The instructions say to enter service mode and then press the alpha and numeric keys for the selection for which you want to change the price on, I do this and the selection I made turns the dispenser but I never get an option to change the price.  I've tried holding down the numeric number after I make the selection, pressing and releasing the number but nothing seems to give me the option to change the price.  I'm fairly certain I'm in the service mode because if I hit the service button again and try to make my selection it flashes the price of the selection as if the machine was in service without the correct change being deposited.  Attached is a picture of the instructions.


The model is listed as: TUV5-632


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Just looking at those instructions and the fact that you say the dispenser operates, I suspect you are in motor test, rather than price setting mode.

If both option switches are on, try setting the option switches so at least 1 is off before pressing the service mode button.

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Thanks for the replies!  Falls, I tried what you suggested and it worked, I flipped one of the toggles off and was able to set the prices!

There was 1 slot that I was unable to set.  It what set on $19 but when I tried to decrease it, once it got to 16.00 it cycled back around to $19.  Any ideas how to get it to go lower than $16.00?

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