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Flavor Strips


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Where is a good place to get the small flavor strips for Dixie narco 501e.  I have found some places online but am wondering if anyone has a good recommendation.  I need 20 oz Diet Code Red Mountain Dew and cannot find it anywhere.  Anyone use a particular place they use?

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I have HVV labels in stock for Pepsi machines but I'm not sure if many of them have calorie counts on them.  Let me know what flavors you want and I'll see what they have.  Email me at rbepic4gatgmaildotcom.  Keep in mind that the HVV labels weren't made for Coke flavors as Pepsi owns the patent on the HVV design and the Chameleon labels are only for Coke products because they own that door patent.  There is one source for the other flavors but they are expensive and must be ordered in minimum quantities that most vendors don't need. 

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