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Wittern 3500 - Soda getting stuck - already replaced motors


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So I have a Wittern 3500 drink machine. One motor seemed to be struggling, and when I would go to service it there would be a stuck soda. I ordered a new motor and it was doing the same thing, then I noticed another slot was having the same issue.

I pulled two used motors from a different machine and I am still having the same issue (they seemed to work fine initially). I am going to call tech support again tomorrow, the first time they thought maybe they sent me a bad motor.

I find it difficult to believe a new motor and 2 used ones would be bad.

I am probably going to switch the motors around within the machine to try and narrow down the issue, hopefully it's not something where something is killing the motors there, otherwise I'm going to end up with a bunch of bad motors.

I have an extra machine in my garage now, should I try switching out the circuit boards? Is there something else I can try? I could try putting the suspect motors in the machine in my garage, but they I don't know if it's an always issue

Thanks in advance.

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When you say they keep getting stuck.. do you mean these are bottles that are leaning on the tray but not completely fallen? Does the machine say there is a column jam or is the column sold out?  If not, is it just an issue where the customer says they aren't getting their product?

I only have two suggestions.  First, make sure the motor wires aren't obstructing bottles.  If they are not bottles, then that is weird...  Second, your drop sensor could be too sensitive but that's if the customer isn't getting their product.  That would definitely not make the machine give a column jam error though.  If neither of those work, you should swap boards.  Something is preventing the motor from turning.  It could be a bad motor too..

What kind of product is getting stuck?

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11 hours ago, AngryChris said:

When you say they keep getting stuck.. do you mean these are bottles that are leaning on the tray but not completely fallen? Does the machine say there is a column jam or is the column sold out?  If not, is it just an issue where the customer says they aren't getting their product?

I only have two suggestions.  First, make sure the motor wires aren't obstructing bottles.  If they are not bottles, then that is weird...  Second, your drop sensor could be too sensitive but that's if the customer isn't getting their product.  That would definitely not make the machine give a column jam error though.  If neither of those work, you should swap boards.  Something is preventing the motor from turning.  It could be a bad motor too..

What kind of product is getting stuck?

Bottles are getting stuck. I'm not sure I know the correct terminology, it's like they have started to fall but then get stuck. I can reach up through the bottom and pull the soda out with a little bit of force. I am not sure how to check for what type of error it's giving, when I try to vend them it will sit there doing nothing for maybe 10 seconds and then a light will come on saying to make another selection.

On another selection I didn't see anything stuck, but it did the nothing and choose another selection, I emptied it and then the motor would turn, but it sounded like it was straining.



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Check the drop sensor setting if this happens to all columns.  It may be too sensitive.  If this is on outboard columns, remove the metal deflector mounted to those column walls with two screws and nuts.  They can impede some bottles from falling.

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This is just happening in the same two columns.

Yesterday I swapped the circuit board and motors. I came back today and one soda was stuck and it wasn't vending, and the other one was not vending, I didn't see anything stuck.

Any ideas if it's not the board and not the motors?


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Do you have some kind of shim in the column?  Is the back spacer too close making it too tight?  Does that motor turn just as fast as the other motors?  What exactly are these selections? 20 oz bottles? Be specific.

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12 hours ago, AngryChris said:

Do you have some kind of shim in the column?  Is the back spacer too close making it too tight?  Does that motor turn just as fast as the other motors?  What exactly are these selections? 20 oz bottles? Be specific.

I apologize, I do not know all of the proper terminology. I had / have 16.9 oz plastic Pepsi type bottles in the rows. I have a picture of one of the stuck bottles, from the bottom if that will help. In one column I tried putting 16 fl oz Monster cans, I replaced the board and motor, everything seems to work fine, when I come back the next day and try to vend, I get nothing. I empty the soda, and the motor will turn, but it sounds like it is straining. If you mean the spacer when they are laid flat that goes horizontal it does not seem too tight to me. Next time I am there I will make sure that is not the issue . I do not think there is a shim there.

I appreciate the help, I am beyond frustrated at this pointl

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USI made a shim for 16.9 oz bottles for those machines, possibly due to jams.  It's possible that when one bottle drops, the second bottle partially falls down and the motor has to push the entire column back up.  You will also know if the bottle is too tight, depth wise, if there isn't about one inch of room on the bottle that sits on top of the rotor (the very next bottle to vend).  Also, are these actual pepsi? Is the bottle firm or soft.  Again, be specific.  We need the actual product.  If it's tea or water in flimsy plastic bottles, it will jam.  Monster should vend fine.

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