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Cantaloupe Seed program- US Connect

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We are in the process of moving to the US Connect program utilizing the USAT telemeter/readers and the Seed VMS.  We were sold on all the good things we would be able to do: i.e. - phone apps, buy 4 get 5th free, advertising revenue, etc.  As we now getr closer to the implimentation it seemsit is very hard getting hard answers from USAT or US Connect. Some of those items are not yet available. We were told that they would be able to export all of our data from ParLevel into the SWeed program.  Now being told they do not do that, we need to re-enter all our data. ParLevel also had a catalogue of products to help you set up your plan-o-gram. USAT now says they don't have one.  Becoming very skeptical about this move.  Anyone else been in this situation with USAT or US Connect? Very poor communications from both

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42 minutes ago, TempestVendingllc said:

Why do you want to leave Parlevel? Seems like US Connect is giving you signs that you should bail on this move.

What tempest said. I have mostly USAT readers and their customer service is complete crap right now and it's going to take them forever to get it right. I won't buy another telemeter from them. I recently added some readers to telemeter only machines and took a month to get them to turn on card acceptance for four devices. They couldn't give me their devices and Seed to get me to switch from Parlevel. 

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From what I gather US Connect has a lot of privilege and benefits. Automatic USG elite status would be an awesome benefit in itself. We don’t use a VMS but do use USAT readers and while I do believe they have the best hardware the customer service is pretty much a joke.

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I agree the USAT hardware is the best out there right now, but their customer service staff stays overwhelmed all the time.  I am pretty set with the ParLevel VMS, works well and good service.  Switching any VMS would probably be as time consuming as going to one the first time around, since it's not likely that anyone is going to share their source codes with the competition...

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