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USA EPort Credit Card Read Issue


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The first 22 USA ePorts that I purchased have worked pretty much without a hitch.  I just purchased 12 more USA EPort Credit Card Readers.  My mechanic installed 7 of the 12 in 3 different locations.  They are all saying “Establishing Cell Connection”. The provider is Verizon, and my mobile phone service is also Verizon, and the signal is good in all 3 locations.  Has anybody had this issue with multiple ePorts out of the box not working?  Any ideas of what the problem might be.  Thanks!

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Thank you for the replies.  With the help of USA customer support, I did execute a reset on 3 of the ePorts.  Unfortunately, the problem still persists.  USA tells me that I need a “tier 2” person to help troubleshoot, and they won’t be available until Monday.  BTW, I checked the Verizon website, and there are many cell towers nearby.  I’m just trying to prepare for the obvious excuse that USA may lay on me; I hope not.

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