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I'm looking for some advice on selling my bulk vending route


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I would like some idea as to how much I should sell my route for.  I've been in business for the past seven years on the East coast.  I have 38 to 40 4 select Uturns and 10 NW 60. Double globe. Everything I own is in like new condition. One uturn is still in the box. I have 27 machines out on location and the rest of the machines are in storage with many extra parts. The 27 machines out there have been there anywhere from 4 to 7 years. There are 5. Nw 60 on location and 22 uturns. They are all close to each other's.  I tried to break it down to best, good,  and ok locations. I have 11 machines in best locations, 12 in good locations,  and 4 in ok locations.  Would anyone if not many of you tell me how much I should sell for. I would say it is very successful.  Please I've heard all opinions of uturns. I love them. 7 years with no problems. I only want to know what you think I should sell for. I do not want to sell.  I have to. Thank you very much.  I really do appreciate your input. The potential is unlimited.  I've only had 30 machines out at a time.  My earnings are approximately $6000 /year.  And I walk away with $4000.

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Selling a business is different than selling an item for use by an end user. The prospective owner will want to know their ROI (return on investment) before purchasing an existing business. Therefore, if they want a certain %, such as 20% per year, you need to price accordingly from the prospective new owners point of view in order to entice the sale. If Net Profits are $4,000 per year, then you could potentially sell for $20,000. This means the new owner will make back their investment in 5 years with a 20% ROI. Keep in mind every business has a different ROI, and every business owner has a different expected ROI before they make an investment.

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Without a lot of math and if everything is in the condition you say and you could prove income, me personally, I'd pay 6k+ for your route. I say 6k+ because some people might find the extra machines very appealing. If I was going to pay more than 6k I'd start looking at more details like the previous post mentioned. But i personally would never pay more than 10k for that deal, mainly because that's a lot of capital to tie up. Best of luck, maybe try your feelers online see if you can start at 20k and work from there. 

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9 hours ago, Bob258 said:

I would like some idea as to how much I should sell my route for.  I've been in business for the past seven years on the East coast.  I have 38 to 40 4 select Uturns and 10 NW 60. Double globe. Everything I own is in like new condition. One uturn is still in the box. I have 27 machines out on location and the rest of the machines are in storage with many extra parts. The 27 machines out there have been there anywhere from 4 to 7 years. There are 5. Nw 60 on location and 22 uturns. They are all close to each other's.  I tried to break it down to best, good,  and ok locations. I have 11 machines in best locations, 12 in good locations,  and 4 in ok locations.  Would anyone if not many of you tell me how much I should sell for. I would say it is very successful.  Please I've heard all opinions of uturns. I love them. 7 years with no problems. I only want to know what you think I should sell for. I do not want to sell.  I have to. Thank you very much.  I really do appreciate your input. The potential is unlimited.  I've only had 30 machines out at a time.  My earnings are approximately $6000 /year.  And I walk away with $4000.

     If you want to sell the route based on sales be prepared to provide tax returns and/or bank statements to verify your income. You will also want to include charity payment documentation or commission info if either of those are relevant to your business. Anymore I never buy routes based on sales because locations are so transient these days and there is no guarantee they will be around long enough to get a sales based ROI. So I only buy based on the machine (asset) value.

     As far as an asset price Northwestern doubles go for $75.00 to $150.00. If the equipment is as immaculate as you state you can price it high ($200.00) and be prepared to come down as needed. UTurns are a different story. If you look them up (4 selection) on Craigslist, Ebay or Usedvending.com the prices are all over the place from $50.00 to $300.00 plus. Usually the higher priced ones are from people who purchased directly from UTurn and paid through the nose for them. Again if the machine condition is excellent you can always ask more. UTurns are hard to sell to seasoned vending people. I know you like them but their overall reputation of low quality and difficultly to service will drive the price down with that crowd. Your best chance to get top dollar will be finding a vending novice who is interested in getting into the business. This is a small candy (I'm assuming it's candy) route that should be easy to manage and is tightly grouped geographically so it is a great opportunity for someone new.

     Finally, you need to ask yourself "how much do I have to have to let this go?" I assume you paid all of this equipment off long ago so you are operating in the black. If so, your vending business endeavor has been successful and anything you make by selling the equipment/locations is all icing on the cake. Keeping that in mind try to price it realistically and competitively or you may struggle to get it sold in a reasonable amount of time. I would price it at 8k and be prepared to negotiate down significantly to get it sold. If you are still in the red then add that amount to the sale price. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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I'd like to thank everyone that replied. I am humbled by the support that I received so quickly. 

I was originally going to ask for $10,000 then after reading the replies I think I'm going to just sell not as a business but as machines for sale and throw in the 27 locations as an incentive to help the sale.

I'm still going to ask $10,000 but I will take best offer.

I will keep in touch and let you all know what it sold for.

Thanks again!

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I attempted to place an ad in the classifieds on this site. It requires to choose a file. I tried to download a picture. I had no luck.

I will take $6500 for everything if anyone is interested.

Thank you

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