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Lack of support from spouses, family


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Hello everyone, I thought this would make for a good discussion topic. I was just wondering, am I the only one who's spouse thinks they are nuts for venturing into bulk vending? I feel like I have no support from her and I need to pretty much hide what I'm doing when I go out working my vending business. I just have to say that  finding Vendiscuss has really helped me out because I can come on here and everyone is trying to encourage each other. I try to explain to my wife what I am learning on here and that there is real money to be made if done right and planned out properly. She thinks it's just a bunch of hogwash! It makes it hard when I get excited about vending and she wants nothing to do with it. Hopefully she will come around, I really hope to get this rolling good and have my son and daughter become involved in the business with me and make it a family business. They are young, 6 and 9 and think it is really cool. Any of you suffering from the same lack of support?

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My wife was a little hesitant about my interest in bulk vending at first but I let her know how much being my own boss means and creating something from scratch and let her know about the success of some of the members on here.  She sees how I support her career and knows that I'm not gonna be satisfied working my current job (state prison) for the next 20 years so she is on board.

Still looking to buy first machines within the next couple of weeks, just searching for the best deal, when you have little start-up capital you need to make the most of it.  But look at it this way, when they tell my story it will be much more compelling to see how the largest bulk vendor in the south east region started from so little.  I know there are already some well established vendors on this site it this region but i figure why not set sights high.  I said south east T-bird so don't have me rubbed out  ;D

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JB, yes, from the beginning this was her "job". That is actually why we stopped full line - the weight of the sodas was too much for her.

So really, for me, the Q is reversed...was I always onboard with her :) And the answer is, yes, of course :)


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JB it is the exact for me except I don't have any kids. She thinks it is a waste of time and money and that no one makes any money vending. I have to try and not really talk about it in front of her cause she just like rolls her eyes and shakes her head. I usually don't even tell her if I buy a new machine cause she gets mad if I spend money on a machine and there are ones not located yet. If I see an awesome deal on a machine it just seems stupid to not get it. I feel ya though it sucks not have any support at all. I have pasted up many opportunities because of her lack of support and just getting mad if I wanna spend the money.

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I see you have a good amount of machines on locations. Are you able to show her any of the money coming in yet? I keep telling my wife," fine, when I'm making good money at this I'll just keep it all" ;D. I know that won't really work though.

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My wife has packed about 150,000 1.1" caps in the last 10 months. Sanded thousands of feet of steel for stands. She still does not have a clue how to assemble and disassemble a machine. She packs capsules out on the veranda while watching the howler monkeys. Now, if I could only teach the howlers how to assemble machines?

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    Interesting topic.  My wife was hesitant at first but has since come around.  The turning point was her helping me service the route one day.  She saw that I truly liked running the route, servicing the machines and gettin' them quarters!

    The key is to show your spouse that you have all of your ducks in a row.  Show him/her your business plan, what machines you would like, the possible ROI, the possible money to be made (and lost), the fun it can be, etc. 

PS:  If any of you are like me, I randomly talk about different business ideas.  This could be one reason your spouse isn't necessarily supportive.  Maybe it's just another "idea" to them.  Ya know what I mean?  So if you are serious about it, show it  :)

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On the one side, I love that attitude in others who think that bulk vending is hogwash and a waste of time.  That reduces the number of competetors considerabley.  On the other side, it is nice to have support from my wife.  She supports me, but she has no interest in joining me in my venture.  She is happy that I have an interest outside of work (job) and our home.  She is also happy that I have the aptitude and the drive to persue a business.  Her previous husband was lacking in the drive and determination to even keep a low-level job when things got too tough.

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Well, for me, the idea started a little over a year ago before my daughter's 3rd B-Day.  I thought it would be cool to buy a bubblegum machine for her and put it in the house.  She could learn about money and counting it, counting the candy that came out, use it as a bank, fun for when the kids came over, etc... who the heck wouldn't want one, it's just plain fun.  Then I told my wife how much they cost(from Sam's Club) @ $165 for that Seaga double.  She said "he!! no"!  Too much money.  So, I was saddened.  Looked at eBay and CL for a month or two, and for around $60, all I really saw were some old beat up machines, nothing that really peaked my curiocity.

I wanted one bad!  So, I thought, how can i get the wife to agree to a shiny new one?  The answer, start a college fund for my daughter with a few machines in stores(no biz-op here).  I found this website and Ta-Da! 

So, my wife was finally on-board with getting one machine to try it out.  When I checked the 1 machine after a month or so, my small business idea had finally panned out.  Lots of quarters!! 

Yadda yadda yadda....It's been since January that I've been vending.  We have a machine(s) in the house for my little girl(and me ;)), making money for college and other things, and having some fun. Now, my wife wasn't, and still isn't doing any of the work with me, but, when she sees all the quarters I bring in, she's definitely excited.  I think with a few more machines and even more quarters, she'll realize that I make more per day vending than what she does for work.  At that point, I think it will be a family thing ;D;)

The Power of Persuasion. ;) 

Try to find some common bond between your wife and vending, like the college thing.

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At first, my wife was very in to it and helped with the route but when she went  out by herself a few times and that was the end of it for her.  She takes care of the books around tax time and support me as she sees how much I enjoy my once a month Friday night dumping quarters into my electric counter while I enjoy a few beers.

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My wife is fairly supportive. She always has been with whatever hair-brained scheme I came up with.

now my father, on the other hand, was supposed to be, WANTED to be a partner. I hate to tell you this, but to be a partner you gotta do some of the work. He was supposed to be "marketing director" or as we call it my locator. Well, I hired rob last month and the rest is history.

Back to my wife, she is supportive, but she doesnt want anything to do with it because of my marketing director...

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We don't have it made yet. Paradise is where we live. One thing is clear, we punch our own time clock (which has not worked in two years) and when we are down to our last few colones, we can always drive down the road and empty out a couple of locations to buy some gallo-pinto(rice and beans). Seriously, this business can be very lucrative but takes a lot of hard work and resolve. Having a very supportive spouse makes things much easier. Even without that support factor, just plug along and keep expanding whenever you have the opportunity. Taking your significant other out for a modest dinner every now and then and giving tribute to your silent soldiers should help convince. I find that an Excel Spreadsheet including the good and the bad helps put things in perspective.

I know very little Spanish, decided to establish business in Central America, spent almost $100,000(initially) and busted my golpher to make sure we outperformed the return we would have received had we left our hard earned money in the stock market/market funds from October '07 until present. We had no idea they had a bailout program until it was already done.

Carry on---entrepeneurs---but take this business very seriously. You will be severely disappointed if you do not line your ducks up in row.

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My wife does not help (see might count the money) my daughter does work for me ,,

She loads machines and candy in truck,she puts candy in machines while i remove the money..And at the end of day

anything left comes back out of truck again good helper..

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This is a great question.  I hope you're getting encouraged from the responses.  As far as our situation, my wife has been really supportive even though we've taken some huge leaps forward the last 3 or 4 years (including going full time much sooner than we expected).  She has been with me all the way (often with very glazed over eyes as I explained all my big plans over and over!)

I think part of it depends on your track record in other areas of investing, business, etc.  It also depends a lot on her personality.  Is she adverse to taking risks everywhere?  If so, it may me hard to convince her.

I seriously would send my wife to the bank with the quarters for a few times!  The proof is in the pudding!  She may never like bulk vending or see why it works for you, but she should be able to appreciate consistent legitimate cash flow.  She may rarely want to talk about the business aspect of it but may still be able to appreciate the results...especially if the results are funneled into a cruise or special vacation a year or two down the road.  One huge thing John Maxwell (a great leadership expert) says is to CELEBRATE YOUR SUCCESSES.  I suggest doing that with her as you continue to grow your business.

When I was looking at buying our business from the couple who previously owned it, one of the first things the gentleman said to me when I went to his house to negotiate the purchase was, "Mark, look around.  Everything you see here was purchased with quarters."  That included a 3000+ square ft house, nice property, big motorhome, honkin' big Ford 4 wheel drive, etc.  He was not pulling my leg.  They had made a couple million dollars from the 13 years or so they had had the business.

My point is to be patient with her, develop yourself, develop your cash flow, and continue building your business until your success cannot be disputed.

Good luck!


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Thanks for all the examples and encouragement you all have provided of how your spouses react to your vending aspirations! I think mine will in time come around as well. She thought I was crazy when I wanted to become a professional firefighter 7 years ago and now she thinks it's just the best thing that ever happened to us. I could see her eye's change a little when I showed her the $17.50 21 day pull I got from my single today, and then I told her the national average is $7.50 a month for a single ;).

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. I could see her eye's change a little when I showed her the $17.50 21 day pull I got from my single today, and then I told her the national average is $7.50 a month for a single ;).

Now multiply that success by a dozen, a hundred or even a few hundred.  She'll get on board eventually.  Keep up the good work.

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