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wacky bands.


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I have been selling them for 1 for 50 cents. ( one inch capsule ).  It has slowed down for me here on Long Island.  I think too many convenience stores carry them.  That obviously hurts sales of them.

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Selling 2 for .75 locally. Attached is a pic I shot yesterday. Notice the difference in the product levels here. They were both filled to the same level less than a month ago!


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I just picked up a few cases for 36.50 each, that's 2 per 2" capsule, and I'm selling them at 50 cents to try it out. That means my product cost per unit is about 14.6 cents, re-selling for 50... I am brand new to vending but I have been shooting for vend price to be about 3x my cost of goods - not factoring in mileage or anything like that. So for example on voodoo dolls, I'm paying about 26 cents per unit, so I'm vending them for 75 cents.

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So for example on voodoo dolls, I'm paying about 26 cents per unit, so I'm vending them for 75 cents.

How well are voodoo dolls selling?  The A&A site says they are $1.00 vends.

I'd like to keep my product costs at about 20% if I can.  That means that even at $1.00, the voodoo dolls would be a 26% COGS.

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I purchased about $350.00 from Allstar. If everyone would order a little we could really flex our muscle over here at VENDiscuss!!!

Kelly, did you order this recently and get the discount? If so, please report it in the thread about the special. Here is a link... http://vendiscuss.com/forum/index.php?topic=9671.0

Allstar is watching that thread and I think it would be great for them to see how we as a community stick together and support suppliers who recognize us with special pricing.  ;)

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I am not sure about these. they might be losing there power a little bit.

I visited wal-mart in north platte, NE today, and saw packs of 12 of these on clearance for 75 cents a pack.....tons of them there.

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I realize these things are hot sellers in alot of area's, but just be aware that as in all fad items they make changes. The next thing about these bands will be glo in the dark bands and glitter bands. Possibly the regular bands may become real slow movers. Just saying, purchase with caution on any fad items.

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