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My entry to bulk vending


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Good morning Andy.

Profits: A case in point.  Didn't you just switch a product in that new rack?  With the smaller globes you would have had way less waste.  Looks like you had them pretty full of product.

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Welcome to the forum.  You will find tons of information here.

The idea of moving into toys is a good one.  As mentioned the benefits are that the product does not go bad.  The problem is finding the right products to sell, and changing to another product in the future.  I admit I am not into toys yet, but am planning on taking the plunge sometime.

It does not hurt to spend a little time learning candy first, and then adding in other products.  I understand the urge to jump in, but I always say move slowly at first to learn the ropes, and find out if it is a good fit for you.  At this point if you find out it just isn't you, that was a small investment for the learning process.  But if you find it does fit you well, you will have worked out some of the kinks, and more locations will be a piece of cake.

But anyway, when moving into toys, you can always start with those bouncy balls.  Another high profit margin item.  I have added in stickers and tattoos myself.  Lots of product taking up a fairly small space.

Eventually you will probably want to get into racks.  Some here have most everything on them.  Gumballs, bouncy balls, stickers, toys, and candy.

By the way, you may have overspent on that Vendstar.  While I am not familiar with the 6000, I know you can find the 3000's fairly cheaply.  Be sure not to put these into any high risk areas. 

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Hey Everyone,

Yea I've found out now that I have overpaid for those Vendstar machines; but in the process I learned something.

I think the move I'm going to make right now is to move into gumballs with either Oak Vistas or the NW60. I will have to figure this out when the time comes.

Another thing that I'm wondering about that hasn't been discussed is insurance and state regulation. I live in Texas do I need to register anything with the state.

Also even though I have two machines should I purchase insurance? If so how much?

Thanks Everyone,


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Good morning Andy.

Profits: A case in point.  Didn't you just switch a product in that new rack?  With the smaller globes you would have had way less waste.  Looks like you had them pretty full of product.

Yeah, and now I have about 12 lbs of Mike & Ike sitting in Cambro containers in my dining room :)  The product would have moved just fine had they not started sticking together... theoretically I could have just unbolted the machine and shook it around and mounted it back to the rack, but I didn't really want to take the risk of another OOO sign appearing on my machine.  And I am really curious how the Dark Chocolate M&M's are going to sell.

And now I have some motivation to find a location that is just dying for Mike & Ike :)

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Great stuff guys.

Is anyone on here selling any of their equipment. I would love to buy some used NW60s.

Where in texas are you?  I sometimes have old equimpent that I sell off.

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Things to remember in bulk vending.

Start off simple with candy. If you use a single head machine for candy, use something with a small head like a vista/po89 300, or a NW 60 (not the super 60).  The head holds way too much for the amount of candy you would sell in a service cycle.  And putting in too little candy makes the thing look pretty pathetic.  Candy and/or gum is good because you can pretty much locate those machines anywhere.  They appeal to adults and are good for break rooms, etc.  I wish they made more double-head machines instead of the standard triple machines that you see all over the place.  Most places that do well with candy will only do well with one or two products.  Three products is usually overkill.

If you make a move to toys, you have to be very aware of what is a good selling item and what isn't. If you are only buying one or two bags at a time, then the shipping will kill your COGS.  It's best to make your purchases along with other items.  For instance, if you want to buy a few bags of toys from A&A, do it when you are also buying some machines to help offset the shipping costs.  You might also just want to pick 2 or 3 different toys and stick with those, no matter how hot the market is for the latest fad.  Figurines and sticky mixes always seem to sell well.  Jewelry does not seem to sell very well for me.  I haven't made a jewelry product purchase in months.  I'm still trying to get rid of what I already have.  Also, if you are any good at making displays, I would consider making your own toy displays and printing them off on cardstock.  This will save the cost of having to buy live displays and it will free up room in the globe for more product.

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Hey DPerry,

I'm from HOUSTON!!! Jk Austin man...I was born in Kingwood though so I'm pretty familiar with Houston. If you have any used machines for sell in the future please let me know. I'm going to do what I can to expand this as fast as possible. Not like the eddie bauer client guy but reasonably fast.

I get what you are saying about the triples that most people put out there. I actually have 2 vendstars and I'm going to sell one of them off if someone will buy just one haha. Just based of margin and such unless someone specifically asks for it I'm going to do my best to stay away from candy.

I like the margin in gumballs and BB's way way way better. Makes this business much more worth it. Shipping is one thing I could see someone overlooking when they are calc. their NOP (Net operating profit) I will be sure to add that into my balance sheet. I was talking with sherlock and he said to make sure that I get a SAM's membership...I will be doing that soon.

I made my first order with A&A today!!! 6 PO89s stands and bases to make 3 doubles then some assorted gumballs and some assorted BB's. I'm really excited and I cant wait for them to come in, Eddie is going to do some locating for me so hopefully that will all work out well.

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you dont have to buy a ton to make the shipping worth it but don't buy one box at a time. When i bought 6 boxes of toys from A&A, the shipping worked out to only $4/box. That's not bad. When I bought one box another time because I needed something quick, the shipping was like 8.50. If you get at least 3-4 boxes at a time it should be reasonable.

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Hey DPerry,

I'm from HOUSTON!!! Jk Austin man...I was born in Kingwood though so I'm pretty familiar with Houston.

What a koinkydink.  I live in Kingwood.  It's interesting that Profit's brother lives in Rosemont, (a suburb of Sacramento, CA) which is where I also lived for a time.

My wife and I love Austin.  We'll be visiting there from time to time over the next few years, I'm sure.  Maybe we can make an exchange of some goods at those times.

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