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National Childrens Cancer Society


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I like the size.

Hate the appearance.

I like the old one because of the picture.

A picture of children will always draw more interest than some silly multi-colored logo.

New sticker looks like something I came up with using my home computer and laser printer.

And I'm not graphic pro.

The "plain" looking sticker is not good news considering our charity vending is already looked at with a suspicious eye because of the many low-life scum-bag charity vendors giving the business a bad name.

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I'm with Sherlock. I just placed a machine with the new sticker. I gave the location owner a picture of the old sticker and the new because I only have a copy of the old letter to give to the location owner.

I need to send Shirley Pie an email requesting a new letter.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Do you put your stickers on the front display or somewhere else on your machines?

Usually I put them on the inside of the window or globe. I want to get to the point of having no more than 20% of my route being charity, so I plan to send them back when I can. If you stick them on the machine, use the side but definitely not the lid, as the residue is a pain to get off. Also, placing them on the inside prevents kids and teens from destroying the label.

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Usually I put them on the inside of the window or globe. I want to get to the point of having no more than 20% of my route being charity, so I plan to send them back when I can. If you stick them on the machine, use the side but definitely not the lid, as the residue is a pain to get off. Also, placing them on the inside prevents kids and teens from destroying the label.

Good idea. I will be taking this advice from now on.

What happens if someone completely removes a label? Will you have to pay for that for the rest of your life? Or is there any way to get them to send you another one?

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Good idea. I will be taking this advice from now on.

What happens if someone completely removes a label? Will you have to pay for that for the rest of your life? Or is there any way to get them to send you another one?

If you have no label left, you are toast! You will pay for it until your contract ends. They do not send out another if I am not mistaken. You might want to call Shirley and find out, but I think that's their policy.

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Here is a tip!

I did this on my machines

Cut a piece of contact paper (cheap at walmart or the dollar store) the same size as the sticker, put that on your machine first then apply the charity label over it. when needed they peel off much easier. NCCS does not care about the condition of the label when its returned anyway.


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  • 1 month later...

Im with Sherlock - I really don't like the fine print where it states "This is not a charitable solicitation; all sale proceeds go to the unit owner." this could lose your location if they stop reading there.

It goes on to say "Machine owners are obligated to pay a guaranteed contracted amount to the NCCS regardless of sales". I would be ok if it only stated the later. I may have to send these new guys back in and try a different charity or approach. :huh:

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I had a label that some idiot completely destroyed with a knife, or razor blade. I thought I was going to have to sent it in, but I was told that as long as the label was unusable, they would replace it, and not to worry about sending it in. They were more interested in making sure nobody was using that sticker. It might help to keep track of the number on the sticker so they know which one is out of commission.

I have found NCCS to be great to work with.

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I had a label that some idiot completely destroyed with a knife, or razor blade. I thought I was going to have to sent it in, but I was told that as long as the label was unusable, they would replace it, and not to worry about sending it in. They were more interested in making sure nobody was using that sticker. It might help to keep track of the number on the sticker so they know which one is out of commission.

I have found NCCS to be great to work with.

I place my stickers on the inside of machine.

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Yes, inside the machine is the best place. But this was for a sticker machine, and I had forgot my security torque, so I just placed the sticker onto the plexiglass. I knew it probably wouldn't last, but didn't think it would be destroyed in 2 days.

Unfortunately my other machines have windows that are just too small to put the NCCS sticker inside of. But when I bought my machines, a lot of them had charity stickers on the backs, and nobody seems to have touched those, even though they had expired a decade before I even purchased them.

Probably just means I need to upgrade to better machines.

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  • 3 months later...

Im with Sherlock - I really don't like the fine print where it states "This is not a charitable solicitation; all sale proceeds go to the unit owner." this could lose your location if they stop reading there.

It goes on to say "Machine owners are obligated to pay a guaranteed contracted amount to the NCCS regardless of sales". I would be ok if it only stated the later. I may have to send these new guys back in and try a different charity or approach. :huh:

I think it's best to be honest though. Maybe they should reverse the words though, so that they see the bottom part first. I have never lost a spot yet due to the fine print but because of my locator i used when i started they made it seem like it was all for charity. So I didn't appreciate that, though nobody seems to question.

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