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lost my best location


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It hurts either way, but at least you're not losing them to a competing vendor. I don't think you it could have been prevented, really. They know the value of their traffic.

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Check back with them later this year and maybe they will change their minds once they learn it is actual work and ordering for one location, non-selling product ect will be frustrating for them.

Sorry to hear...I think the benefit to the locations is the rotating products. They will have a hard time doing that themselves unless they own a few locations.

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The timing was really bad.I did explain that if they want their own vending its fine.I told them the rack wont work because of toy rotation and getting stuck with slow sellers.thing is they will keep the slow mover in there till it is gone.I planted the seed we will see what happens.

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Thanks for the encouraging words. I am gonna try to forget this till I get back.I took full advantage of happy hour at the montecarlo.so much for being in the black this year.$500 to $900 every 8 weeks lost

Remember, that the $500-$900 every 8 weeks is not "lost" Antonio.

You never had it to begin with.

That was "future" earnings -- and that is never guaranteed no matter what your line of work.

You can't lose what you never had.

At most, all you lost was the possibility of earning $500-$900 every 8 weeks from that location.

But, you have not even really lost that completely.

The location didn't go out of business, so you may some day get back in.

As you say, you planted the seed for getting back into the location once the owners realize their mistake.

Don't think about the money.

And don't consider it lost if it was never in your wallet or your bank account.

It's easier said than done, but it's best to forget it.

That's about the best "positive" spin I can put on this, bro.

Enjoy your drinks. Enjoy your life.

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Sorry to hear this Antonio. Any account hurts when you lose it but the best ones are the worst.


It's funny the dog locations never call you and say come and get your dog machine outta here; it's always the producers. That said while it hurts now you will recover because that is a winner's character. Hang in there Antonio. Enjoy the show.

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It's funny the dog locations never call you and say come and get your dog machine outta here; it's always the producers. That said while it hurts now you will recover because that is a winner's character. Hang in there Antonio. Enjoy the show.

Yea man. Just like blind dating. The ugly ones rarely call to break it! I think of that every time a good spot calls to boot me. And I say, "Man, why don't those ugly locations ever call me"??!! Sorry, just another analogy.

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Remember, that the $500-$900 every 8 weeks is not "lost" Antonio.

You never had it to begin with.

That was "future" earnings -- and that is never guaranteed no matter what your line of work.

You can't lose what you never had.

At most, all you lost was the possibility of earning $500-$900 every 8 weeks from that location.

But, you have not even really lost that completely.

The location didn't go out of business, so you may some day get back in.

As you say, you planted the seed for getting back into the location once the owners realize their mistake.

Don't think about the money.

And don't consider it lost if it was never in your wallet or your bank account.

It's easier said than done, but it's best to forget it.

That's about the best "positive" spin I can put on this, bro.

Enjoy your drinks. Enjoy your life.

+1 rep for Sherlock!

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I am very sorry to hear about the loss of this location Antonio. I certainly would have been sick to my stomach if it was me. It obviously sounds like there's plenty of room there with plenty of foot traffic.

I have an idea Antonio. With this location being so lucrative, what you want to do is keep one foot in the door with this business owner.

When you get to the location and see the owner, tell him you have no problem removing the machines you have there. ( you always should try your best to leave on a friendly note )

Ask him if he would mind if you placed a chicken machine there. Perhaps he will feel like he owes you one and feels sorry for you because you are pulling all of your equipment out. The owner will never be able to find where to buy one himself once its placed and making lots of money. If he says yes, just make sure he sees you constantly there servicing it, etc, and I bet eventually he will allow you to get the location back after he realizes how difficult it is to buy good product and constantly service the racks he replaced yours with. You have nothing to lose Antonio with trying this. And perhaps alot to gain.

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these people have money.if I bring them a picture of the chicken machine,they will find it online and they will buy it themselves to add to their arcade.it will also give them a way to get rid of the slow movers from the rack they will get.

@ t-bird does the chicken machine give change if it is set at .75 cents and they put in a dollar?if I remember correctly it is always wired for a dollar bill acceptor but it comes as an option,correct?I want to buy one but I want some feedback from others to see if you guys need to make any modifications or upgrades to it since it`s new and all.plus most machines in there have marker grafiti on them,because of the hidden spot they are in if they did that to a brand new machine I would poop my pants.

it must have been very visible that I was perturbed after getting the kick out call because after I went back into my room my cousin and brother asked if I was all right.

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I feel your pain Antonio. I have lost my number one location more than once and it does sting. Especially when the owner wants to buy their own stuff. I lost a $300 per month rack location in October. But this owner went bankrupt - kind of. I can't prove it, but I believe they staged a robbery and used that as an excuse to shut down. They were really struggling for the last 2 years and another owner of a similar franchise (who bought some fire sale supplies from them) said the same thing to me in public while standing in the bank! That's why getting new blood is so important in this business. We are all going to get those calls.

All I can say is that most business owners that buy their own equipment usually regret it after a few years. But they have to go through the experience to learn that the machines don't always make mega-bucks, machines do break down, some toy products get stale, even gumballs literally go stale, etc, etc.

Case in point. There is an old Italian restaurant near me and the entrance area is jammed with machines. I mean jammed! 4 seven-head racks, 3 sport-blaster pinball games, 2 superball machines and a broken pac-man game. At least half the heads are empty! Many machines are corroded and rusted. The gumballs in the various heads are flaking and fading real bad. The waitress told me the machines belong to the owner - surprise. This owner would be better off letting a 3rd party vendor give him a 25% to 30% commission and have zero work, zero product cost and zero responsibility for the machines. Heck, he may even make more money from a vendor. Live and learn.

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Antonio.......the machine will not give a quarter back if it is a 75 cent vend and a dollar is placed into the acceptor. You would buy it without the acceptor. The chicken machine is wired for it so you can buy the dollar bill acceptor down the road and install it when you want it. And just so you know, this machine has been tested on locations. We have not had any issues come up in terms of bugs in the electrical systems etc. Obviously, Vendiscuss is not our only market to sell these machines. I say that meaning we have been selling machines since this started and I do not want to see you or another Vendiscuss member miss out on the free 1000 egg offer for the first 250 machines sold. This egg special is made for the smaller vendor where cash flow is certainly an issue. I would love for you to be the leader Antonio in terms of purchasing one and placing it for others to receive feedback. You will make lots of money on this investment in the right location. That's for sure.

these people have money.if I bring them a picture of the chicken machine,they will find it online and they will buy it themselves to add to their arcade.it will also give them a way to get rid of the slow movers from the rack they will get.

@ t-bird does the chicken machine give change if it is set at .75 cents and they put in a dollar?if I remember correctly it is always wired for a dollar bill acceptor but it comes as an option,correct?I want to buy one but I want some feedback from others to see if you guys need to make any modifications or upgrades to it since it`s new and all.plus most machines in there have marker grafiti on them,because of the hidden spot they are in if they did that to a brand new machine I would poop my pants.

it must have been very visible that I was perturbed after getting the kick out call because after I went back into my room my cousin and brother asked if I was all right.

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what a mess.I go to the location yesterday to pick up my machines ,I find oscar,I find my 2 racks but my crane is missing! my full size clean sweep crane disapeared.granted the location is huge and it took a minute to look in all the rooms here and there but it was gone.one of the employees got the number for namco,so I called, and after a the receptionist was able to find the service manager for my area he told me they didnt have it.he called the truck driver the driver called him back and the service manager called me back to tell me what he said the first time,we dont have it.they have to scan the machine in before it goes in the truck making it difficult to pick up someone elses machines.

I called a number on the new video games that were in there in case they took it for some reason and I was able to get to a receptionist telling me the route manager was off for the day.it was the company that sold the video games to the location.

so I had to wait for the owner to get in to see if he would get me a copy of the recordings to see who took the machine and was going to pick it up the next day.I gave him my card and again explained why they should at least outsource the rack and to call me if down the road they change their mind.

as I was tying my machines a guy that aparently was involved with vending told me where to find my machines and gave me the owners phone number.the company I called that sold the video games to the location aparently had them.I had to go 20 miles out of my way to get it.earlier in the day I talked my skating rink location to try it out there,once I get there and plug it in it doesnt even work,the power cord was pinched somewhere along the way,something that probably wouldnt have hapened had the machine been where it belonged.I hope that is the only issue I have to fix on it.

I love vending ,yesterday not so much.

on a positive note it had at least $100 in bills plus coins I still have to count.unfortunately the vast majority of it went to gas and the rest wont cover my time wasted.a 3 hour round trip took over 6.

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Wow, that is one nasty wild goose chase. I hate it when the location doesn't give a crap about our machines and makes no attempt to contact us and allows stuff like that to happen. I once had a machine move 30 miles to another location without my knowledge. But that's nothing compared to your story. Up and downs for sure sometimes. At least you have it back.

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