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New TVF Theme Coming Soon!


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As promised, I am working on a new "lighter" theme for the forum. It is almost ready to go so I thought I'd let those of you who asked about it know it's coming.

Here is a small screenshot of the new theme...


One of the features I really like is the ability to change the overall color of the forum as you see fit. (See screenshot) The color choices are blue (default), red, green, and black.

Once this new theme is ready to go, it will be accessible from the theme selector drop down menu in the right column. The "Dark" theme that you are now using will continue to be the default theme and you will have to choose to use the new theme if you wish.

As usual, I would love some feedback! grin.gif

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This new theme is now active! You can access it using the theme selector dropdown from the right column.

Check it out and let me know if you notice any issues.

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Cany find it...my page looks dif than yours...I am using chrome too.

You have to be on the front page or in one of the categories. It does not show in a thread.

Steve, I can only get the light or dark on the drop down. There is no green or red.

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This new theme is now active! You can access it using the theme selector dropdown from the right column.

Check it out and let me know if you notice any issues.

I haven't found the green or red yet but I really like the blue. I've only been on it a few minutes so I haven't done all the exploring I should yet. I don't see the little do hicky at the start of the topic that takes you to the first unread post. Did I miss it or will it be available later if people like the light version?

The other thing I noticed in the blue is the contrast between unread and read topics is not as distinct as my tired eyes would like, but I probably need a flashing message that says something like "new post here, stupid" lol

Anyway it's a thumbs up from me.

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Steve, I can only get the light or dark on the drop down. There is no green or red.

The different colors are only available on the light theme. You have to first select the "TVF Light" theme from the dropdown. Once you are there you can choose what color using the color picker. In the picture in post number 1 of this thread, I pointed out where the color picker is.


The "do hicky" thing is there. it looks like this... new_post.png

Also, I will make the icons for the read vs. unread threads contrast a bit more for your tired old eyes!

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The different colors are only available on the light theme. You have to first select the "TVF Light" theme from the dropdown. Once you are there you can choose what color using the color picker. In the picture in post number 1 of this thread, I pointed out where the color picker is.

Thanks Steve. I was in the light theme but missed where to change the colors in your post. :unsure:

I think the blue is the best choice for me.

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Fantastic job!!!! I love the new light look. It is much easier on the eyes for me. One thing that was confusing at first is the different icons for "read category" and "read forum". It would be easier for a quick look if they were more uniform.


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Fantastic job!!!! I love the new light look. It is much easier on the eyes for me. One thing that was confusing at first is the different icons for "read category" and "read forum". It would be easier for a quick look if they were more uniform.



From your pic, it appears that you caught me right as I was making the changes to the icons. It should look quite different now.

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The more I use the light skin the more I like it. Great job on this one Steve!!!!

Thanks Bill. That seems to be the consensus of everyone who has tried it out. That brings me to my next thought. Should I switch the board default theme from the dark to the light? Even though the features and functions are the same, I think the light theme seems a bit easier to understand for those new to the forum.

The dark could be the alternate theme if one so chooses.

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Hey casseri, the forum runs slow, or laggy in firefox for me. Are there amy settings I can change to help with that? I tried taking a look in my settings, but it was over my head.


I'm not sure what is causing that. I just tried it in Firefox myself and noticed quite a bit of lag, especially when scrolling. I'm not having any issues in Chrome however.

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I'm not sure what is causing that. I just tried it in Firefox myself and noticed quite a bit of lag, especially when scrolling. I'm not having any issues in Chrome however.

I've been knocked back to dark and I can't find the light option now!

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Sorry guys, major malfunction going on here. I think I have it fixed now.

Ted, you should see the light now.

Andy, to switch to dark, the theme picker is at the bottom of the page where it says "Skin and Language"

got it! but I had to go to mobile first and then to dark, but np! thanks caserritest

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Sorry guys, major malfunction going on here. I think I have it fixed now.

Ted, you should see the light now.

Andy, to switch to dark, the theme picker is at the bottom of the page where it says "Skin and Language"

I'm still not "seeing the light".

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I was wondering, since the most recent changes whenever I access the website from my phone I am required to sign in again. Prior to the change my login info was kept and I was automatically signed in. I have not changed anything on the phone settings that I am aware of. :huh: Any ideas what is going on?

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