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What a Day!


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Got out of the house early to do some servicing and locating. The wife was busy so I got to listen to my music on X.

Located 3 toy machines and my Super Bounce A Roo. Yes!!!

Also had a machine full of acrylic rings that sold out. Yes!!!

All of my locations had record pulls.

I love this stuff.

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Got out of the house early to do some servicing and locating. The wife was busy so I got to listen to my music on X.

Located 3 toy machines and my Super Bounce A Roo. Yes!!!

Also had a machine full of acrylic rings that sold out. Yes!!!

All of my locations had record pulls.

I love this stuff.

wtg hillbilly! the winter time refurbing paid off! I hope you have record pulls next time too!

ps leave the wife at home more often! (sorry cyndi)

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wtg hillbilly! the winter time refurbing paid off! I hope you have record pulls next time too!

ps leave the wife at home more often! (sorry cyndi)

Unfortunately, she was out spending some hard earned money. (She said pffft to you!)

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Excellent job man! Now you need to follow my workout regiment....get two full zipper bags (the big bag, not the little one) of quarters around $1200 or so, and go to the bank (inside) on Friday at 12:30 to make your deposit. You won't want to lift a beer to your lips after that little adventure, and your arms will look pumped for at least the rest of the afternoon. ;D

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