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Moving beyond Clean, Filled and Working

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I was taught back in my early days that the three basic rules for successful vending were clean, filled and working. A common adage that has been used for many years in our industry. Here is a link to a article in Automatic Merchandiser that discusses moving beyond these rules to better adapt to the future. Thought it was interesting, hope you do to.

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"Get rid of your slowest selling SKUs. Then double up and even triple up on best selling SKUs. What sells best will vary dramatically at our locations. So be smart and be flexible. Other vending channel research we’ve seen (from Europe) indicates that profit can increase dramatically when you do double up or triple up on the best selling SKUs."

Wow! I think a lot of the big companies get this wrong. Yes a machine with only Doritos and Snickers bars will have good sales at first eliminating the "choices" are like target practice with your foot.

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A nice article. Hershey has some data on sales when switching out spirals, and what changes can mean to your numbers. I like the landing area concept, but I disagree with placing the machines at an angle like that. Personally it would annoy the crap out of me. Show me the proof in numbers that it increases sales, otherwise I don't buy it.

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