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Oh no! Not again!


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Another kid stuck in a crane machine.

Too many parents just don't properly watch their kids and/or teach their kids proper public behavior.


You ever notice...

It's always one big joke when the child is saved without injury.

The media never makes a big deal about the fact that the kid has crappy parents.

Yet, those same crappy parents sue the heck out of everyone when their kid is hurt doing something they shouldn't have been doing.

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Another kid stuck in a crane machine.

Too many parents just don't properly watch their kids and/or teach their kids proper public behavior.


You ever notice...

It's always one big joke when the child is saved without injury.

The media never makes a big deal about the fact that the kid has crappy parents.

Yet, those same crappy parents sue the heck out of everyone when their kid is hurt doing something they shouldn't have been doing.

Seems like we get this story at least once or twice a year..... Just think..... the kids those crappy parents are raising are going to one day be responsible for paying into the gov't sponsored ponzi scheme known as social security that is supposed to be there for us when we retire...... that's all I'm gonna say about that.

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Man... that sucks. Firefighters sawed through that guys machine to get her out, and the operator is out a good-looking machine. By their logic, I suppose we're the "bad guys" for vending such eye-catching products in the first place. Maybe I should grow a handlebar mustache or a goatee to celebrate my new evil status. Really though, this is an issue for parents, not us- if you leave your kid unattended and they climb inside, we shouldn't carry the blame. Crazy stuff. Thanks for sharing Sherlock!

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I agree, If that was my crane

mommy would be handed a bill for the damages

I had a some damages once with the parents right there watching

it was a kiddie ride on toy carousel

3 kids beating the seats turning it in circles with no money in.

mind you not little ones 2-5 were talking 8-12 year olds

too big to ride in the first place

they ended up breaking one of the horses free and almost tipping the ride over.

all with mom on her cell phone five feet away.

I calmly walked over, informed mom shes got to pay for damages

when i told her a new carousel is $6000- $15,000 new..

and that this is unexceptable behavior..

and that your the parent and your responsible for the damages.

if they would have said sorry.. never do it again etc.. or at least made some effort to say sorry

i would have let it go and done the repairs

but she went full soccer mom on me, screaming yelling etc.. not my kids it was broke before we touched it..

making this huge specticle of herself. cussing up a storm

and stormed out never to return to this place ever again etc..

She had used her credit card and stroller rental... stroller rental they scan copy your ID..

So, she got a bill in the mail for $500.00 the cost of me disasemble

the welder to reseat and weild the plates and paint and downtime

and i was very fair on that.

she didnt pay.

so i turned it into a credit reporting agency.

She was on the phone in 30 seconds. no proof etc.. i emailed her the video footage.

she paid 30 minutes later in person.

i am a nice guy but this was well deserved

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I agree, If that was my crane

mommy would be handed a bill for the damages

I had a some damages once with the parents right there watching

it was a kiddie ride on toy carousel

3 kids beating the seats turning it in circles with no money in.

mind you not little ones 2-5 were talking 8-12 year olds

too big to ride in the first place

they ended up breaking one of the horses free and almost tipping the ride over.

all with mom on her cell phone five feet away.

I calmly walked over, informed mom shes got to pay for damages

when i told her a new carousel is $6000- $15,000 new..

and that this is unexceptable behavior..

and that your the parent and your responsible for the damages.

if they would have said sorry.. never do it again etc.. or at least made some effort to say sorry

i would have let it go and done the repairs

but she went full soccer mom on me, screaming yelling etc.. not my kids it was broke before we touched it..

making this huge specticle of herself. cussing up a storm

and stormed out never to return to this place ever again etc..

She had used her credit card and stroller rental... stroller rental they scan copy your ID..

So, she got a bill in the mail for $500.00 the cost of me disasemble

the welder to reseat and weild the plates and paint and downtime

and i was very fair on that.

she didnt pay.

so i turned it into a credit reporting agency.

She was on the phone in 30 seconds. no proof etc.. i emailed her the video footage.

she paid 30 minutes later in person.

i am a nice guy but this was well deserved

Bill, you rock.

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Good job Bill!! I had a crane tore up for the same reason, kid inside. Lol, it was at a laundromat and there were cameras everywhere. The store had video to show the cops of mom shoving the kid in the crane and the kid dropping the toys out to her. Laundry called me, by the time I got there mom was in jail and the kid in family protective services. I was very lucky! You can install a bar across the prize hole to stop this. Sad, but its the world we live in.

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I agree, If that was my crane

mommy would be handed a bill for the damages

I had a some damages once with the parents right there watching

it was a kiddie ride on toy carousel

3 kids beating the seats turning it in circles with no money in.

mind you not little ones 2-5 were talking 8-12 year olds

too big to ride in the first place

they ended up breaking one of the horses free and almost tipping the ride over.

all with mom on her cell phone five feet away.

I calmly walked over, informed mom shes got to pay for damages

when i told her a new carousel is $6000- $15,000 new..

and that this is unexceptable behavior..

and that your the parent and your responsible for the damages.

if they would have said sorry.. never do it again etc.. or at least made some effort to say sorry

i would have let it go and done the repairs

but she went full soccer mom on me, screaming yelling etc.. not my kids it was broke before we touched it..

making this huge specticle of herself. cussing up a storm

and stormed out never to return to this place ever again etc..

She had used her credit card and stroller rental... stroller rental they scan copy your ID..

So, she got a bill in the mail for $500.00 the cost of me disasemble

the welder to reseat and weild the plates and paint and downtime

and i was very fair on that.

she didnt pay.

so i turned it into a credit reporting agency.

She was on the phone in 30 seconds. no proof etc.. i emailed her the video footage.

she paid 30 minutes later in person.

i am a nice guy but this was well deserved


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