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Am I crazy?


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... or is it normal to have one day when I feel like "I LOVE having my own business" and within 24 hours, I feel like "I wonder if anyone would be interested in buying my business?" followed by a wash, rinse, and repeat cycle.

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I feel like this every single day. All the time. But, it seems each time I get to the "sell" phase, I add- "Well, if I decide to sell, I may as well increase the value by adding a couple more accounts..." This has been a real motivator, and it is responsible for my best and worst moves in this business.

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Chris, I think you'll come out in the win column if you accomplish how you feel most of the time. If you feel that you love your business 75% of the time, then keep it. If you feel like you have too much aggravation in owning your own business, sell.

While owning your own business is the American Dream, if you would feel better working for someone else, there is no shame in that.

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Chris, I think you'll come out in the win column if you accomplish how you feel most of the time. If you feel that you love your business 75% of the time, then keep it. If you feel like you have too much aggravation in owning your own business, sell.

While owning your own business is the American Dream, if you would feel better working for someone else, there is no shame in that.

Thanks and I agree. I actually really love this industry so much that if I didn't own my business, I would want to work for another vendor. The issue isn't really whether I want to get out of this business or not so much as.... I wish there was enough time in the day/week to work full-time, go to school full-time, and run the business full-time... but there is not... and I have to choose.

Within the past 3 years, I have bought a house, started my business, went back to school, and got engaged. Every single one of these costs money and, although I was doing extremely well before the engagement, life has become much more difficult recently as my fiance is preparing to start medical residency soon (to become a doctor). That might sound great, but she requires a lot of $$$ to fund her way through until she can start earning something.

I'll tell everyone one thing... if I can make it through the next 3 years, I will be well off.

Did I mention that, because I live in my own household and because I make a certain amount of money (which goes straight to bills and leaves me with virtually nothing), I am considered to be making too much money for financial aid? Actually, I earn (after bills) about 90% less now than what I did when I still lived with my parents!

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I feel your pain. I just finished school in December, and received no financial aid for it, even though about half way through the degree I became unemployed.

Those darn fiances. So expensive to maintain. But you sound like you are on the right track. Get your priorities in order, relax, and do the best you can in the time you have. No one can expect any more than that.

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... or is it normal to have one day when I feel like "I LOVE having my own business" and within 24 hours, I feel like "I wonder if anyone would be interested in buying my business?" followed by a wash, rinse, and repeat cycle.

Actually I do think you are crazy, but that's between you and your head doctor. ;D ;D LOL

Sorry bud, you left the door wide open for that one. :rolleyes:

On a serious note, I think we all feel that way at times. It's one of those things that make being self-employed both a tremendous joy and a pit of despair. The trick, if that's the word you want to use, is to have clearly defined goals (business plan) and to also have the "intestinal fortitude" to ride the wave wherever it may take you. Its that intestinal fortitude that's the hardest part, finding the drive to continue on when you just lost a big account is what separates the wheat from the chaff.

I've mentioned it before, I'm at the point in my career where I am starting to think and plan my exit strategy and what I will do in the next phase of my life. So the thought of selling certainly is coming up far more frequently than it did ten years ago..

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Thanks and I agree. I actually really love this industry so much that if I didn't own my business, I would want to work for another vendor. The issue isn't really whether I want to get out of this business or not so much as.... I wish there was enough time in the day/week to work full-time, go to school full-time, and run the business full-time... but there is not... and I have to choose.

Within the past 3 years, I have bought a house, started my business, went back to school, and got engaged. Every single one of these costs money and, although I was doing extremely well before the engagement, life has become much more difficult recently as my fiance is preparing to start medical residency soon (to become a doctor). That might sound great, but she requires a lot of $$$ to fund her way through until she can start earning something.

I'll tell everyone one thing... if I can make it through the next 3 years, I will be well off.

Did I mention that, because I live in my own household and because I make a certain amount of money (which goes straight to bills and leaves me with virtually nothing), I am considered to be making too much money for financial aid? Actually, I earn (after bills) about 90% less now than what I did when I still lived with my parents!

Thats the way the country is now. If you sit on your A**, cook meth, steal, and dont contribute anything you get housing, a medical card, qualify for financial aid. People who try to get educated, make something for themselves and contribute back get didly or even penalized for trying to own a business and daring to dream that they can.

I think all of us have those roller coaster days where you get a call for an opportunity in the morning and your up and a disgruntled call in the afternoon and your back in the muck and looking for someone who has $10 bucks to buy a vending operation. And to be honest thats one of the things I love most about it. Unlike a factory or office worker who knows exactly how their day is going to start and end. You never know what might happen when you get up in the morning so hang in there.

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Thats the way the country is now. If you sit on your A**, cook meth, steal, and dont contribute anything you get housing, a medical card, qualify for financial aid. People who try to get educated, make something for themselves and contribute back get didly or even penalized for trying to own a business and daring to dream that they can.

I hear that. We are the "bad guys" because we are capitalist pigs who intend on making profits.... right?

Actually I do think you are crazy, but that's between you and your head doctor. ;D ;D LOL

Sorry bud, you left the door wide open for that one. :rolleyes:

On a serious note, I think we all feel that way at times. It's one of those things that make being self-employed both a tremendous joy and a pit of despair. The trick, if that's the word you want to use, is to have clearly defined goals (business plan) and to also have the "intestinal fortitude" to ride the wave wherever it may take you. Its that intestinal fortitude that's the hardest part, finding the drive to continue on when you just lost a big account is what separates the wheat from the chaff.

I've mentioned it before, I'm at the point in my career where I am starting to think and plan my exit strategy and what I will do in the next phase of my life. So the thought of selling certainly is coming up far more frequently than it did ten years ago..

Yeah I know what you mean. I would like to build my business up to the point that I can hire a manager and an accountant (part-time) to manage most of the business operations while I just run a route as a semi-retiree. I have quite a few decades ahead of me (I hope) until I even start to think about retiring. I hope it works out!

Thanks for reassurance guys. It actually helps out a lot.

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We all have those days unfortunately. Not every day is roses, and not every day is hell. But that is life.

There is a story about one of the first success motivators out there. (not sure if its a true story or not, but I like it.)

Anyway somebody mentioned to this guy that they wanted to get rid of all their problems, so he told him he would take him to a place where people have no problems. They ended up in a cemetery.

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