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Favorite Fortunes?


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I've been doing a bit of research lately about the phrases and different cards that vintage "Fortune Teller" machines dispensed as I'm working on a fortune vendor project of my own. It got me thinking though - a lot of the advice was stale, the magic/supernatural stuff kinda cool, but overall the fortunes kinda sucked.


What are some of your favorite fortunes or wise words? Whats the weirdest fortune cookie you've ever gotten?
Ones I've gotten that have stuck with me are "You can be trusted to keep a secret." and "Insult someone who deserves it." HAH! :P

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Here's a GREAT one for a fortune cookie...

"Help! I'm behind held prisoner in a Chinese cookie factory!"

Ha! That's what I say every time I open a cookie. My family just rolls their eyes.


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So, all those fortune cookies I throw away has a message in them? No wonder I don't eat them.

That's why they call them fortune cookies - if there weren't any message, they'd just be regular cookies.  I give mine to the dog but he could care less about the fortunes as they don't usually apply to dogs anyway.

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 I give mine to the dog but he could care less about the fortunes as they don't usually apply to dogs anyway.


I don't know about that.


"You will soon make a new friend" sounds like the perfect fortune for a dog with plans to go to the dog park.

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I don't know about that.


"You will soon make a new friend" sounds like the perfect fortune for a dog with plans to go to the dog park.

I think it's because he's so focused on the other half of that cookie when I read them to him that the message seems to take a backseat - he's pretty serious about his snacks.

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If you break a crumb in half, you have two crumbs   


When you step on the brake you put your life in your foots hands


An Octagon is a eight sided cookie

                                                     George Carlin

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I live the life of Jones Soda fortunes.  The last one I opened told me to hide for a few days.


I've always wanted to put out evil fortune cookies.  Warnings of impending doom, death, and visits from relatives.

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Thanks guys - and happy new year! I used a few of these for my fortunes - vended out of a retrofitted tampon machine for an event last thursday at the big art gallery here in Toronto and got some laughs and also some disapproving looks. Had to refill the machine 3 times - it sold out in under 2 hours.


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