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BevMax Media Credit Card Reader


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I purchased a brand new Bevmax Media machine with the credit card reader. Unfortunately the manufacturer forgot to put in the instructions for the credit card reader account set up. I have talked with Crane to figure out what I need to and all I have been given are instructions on how to create an account for the credit card processing. I submitted the application for the credit card processing account. I am going on a week now and am tired of having to keep calling them to ask where in the process they are with the setup. They arent the best communicators and it is driving me nuts. 


Have any of you been through this process and could help me understand the time frame on how long this takes as well as what I would need to do to get this set up? 

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This the common complaint with Crane and their card readers. They used to require an idiotic visit from one of their reps just to activate every card reader they sold. They supposedly changed that but as you are finding out Crane still doesn't care enough to help you get it working in a timely manner. It might be because until your merchant account is active you can't use the card reader anyway. There also might be some kind of remote activation that they will perform once your account is set up, but once again Crane could at least tell you that. USAT always has a software download on every one of their activated units so you should expect that from Crane as well.

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