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Which Van To Get


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Looking to purchase a new van in the next month or so. don't no if i should get the ford transit 250 or the dodge promaster. Also will the dodge promaster 1500 be okay for a vending route or should i go with a 2500. Got 40 stops with 80 machines and growing. Let me no what you guys think. Thanks

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I recently purchased the Ford Transit 250.  Works great for me so far (25 accounts 65 machines).   If you live in a cold weather state, look into some good snow tires for winter.  Made a huge difference as the Transit is real-wheel drive.  

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I'm not against snow tires and we get pretty cold weather and/or snow but if it's so bad that you need snow tires, I don't go out.  Again, not against getting special tires but the weight of the trucks typically does well as long as the roads can be navigated.

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7 minutes ago, AngryChris said:

I'm not against snow tires and we get pretty cold weather and/or snow but if it's so bad that you need snow tires, I don't go out.  Again, not against getting special tires but the weight of the trucks typically does well as long as the roads can be navigated.

You would never be going out in canada than. Atleast not where I am. Snow tires aren't a luxury here they are a necessity. Can't get away with all season tires either. God I miss living in Florida!

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16 minutes ago, BlindVending said:

You would never be going out in canada than. Atleast not where I am. Snow tires aren't a luxury here they are a necessity. Can't get away with all season tires either. God I miss living in Florida!

I believe you.  It's just that, although we get pretty solid Winter storms here in Ohio at times, if it's bad enough out that you need snow tires, a lot of businesses shut down.  We get everything from sub-zero temperatures, to 100+ summer temperatures.  Generally, the average winter temperature is probably 32/20 while the average summer temperature is probably 85/65.  So yeah.. if you live in a region like yours, snow tires are probably worth it.  It just depends where you live.

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I don't know if you are looking to buy brand new or if pre-owned is OK, here is a truck in my area I was looking at recently.  I had to pass for now but you might be interested....



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