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Vendo 720 not dropping stack

Corvus Corax

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I have a Vendo 720 10 selection set up for 5 3 deep cans and 5 2deep 16.9 bottles. The problem is the 5 set for cans wont drop the stack. They vend the first 3 no problem. Then you have to prime the stack again for it to drop, it vends the first three, then same issue. The bottles vend fine.

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The can columns sound like you have the rear spacer depth still set for something other than 3 deep vending and/or you haven't properly set up your gauge bars and clips or the timing cams are not set correctly.  The setup guide on the door shows the proper column setups and you can actually do 12 oz cans 4 deep in that machine.  If you believe the cams are 180 out then you can pull the cams and turn them 180 and see if that helps but if this vended fine before and you didn't remove any motors it might not be the problem. Only do this while the machine is unplugged or the board is turned off so the motor won't run unexpectedly.

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