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Convincing Management to get a Vending Machine


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I work at a software company and thought we could use a machine at work. 

We have heavily subsidized pop already, free coffee,  tea. 

What's the best angle, when they haven't asked, to convince my superiors to get vending and have me, a current employee, run the machine? 

We have about 70 staff and I'm fairly convinced people would buy items, especially food. I'd love to do it but feel it may reflect poorly on my position or career there. Would coworkers care that the machine is operated and a profit is made by their fellow employee, or would management? 


I'd appreciate your kind thoughts. 


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Don't do it.

Offices, especially ones with free items are notoriously bad locations.

Also, with just one snack machine you will have a mountain of stales.

Plus, you'll have to deal with extra bullshit from your cow-orkers and you'll be jeopardizing a relatively sweet gig at a software company.

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I can see your coworkers beating a path to your desk every time the machine hiccups, and your manager will tire of that in a hurry... why risk your main job?  Cold food is a horrible idea, even established vendors lose money on cold food; and managing a single snack machine is a bad idea as ORSD pointed out already.  If you want to vend, look for some used drink machines and locate them yourself somewhere other than work....

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Thank you guys so much for the feedback. 

I'll see what management says and go from there. Coworkers love to snack and there's nothing close to walk to. 

It looks like I would have one or two good options for outside vending companies to get in so at least the office is all taken care of. 

Two more questions for now, we live in a condo and have a two door sports coupe, I'm guessing this will make this operation challenging as well. 


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21 hours ago, Brian said:

Thank you guys so much for the feedback. 

I'll see what management says and go from there. Coworkers love to snack and there's nothing close to walk to. 

It looks like I would have one or two good options for outside vending companies to get in so at least the office is all taken care of. 

Two more questions for now, we live in a condo and have a two door sports coupe, I'm guessing this will make this operation challenging as well. 


Don't talk yourself into this. It's not a good idea.

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